Java Cookbook, 3/e (Paperback)

Ian F. Darwin




From lambda expressions and JavaFX 8 to new support for network programming and mobile development, Java 8 brings a wealth of changes. This cookbook helps you get up to speed right away with hundreds of hands-on recipes across a broad range of Java topics. You’ll learn useful techniques for everything from debugging and data structures to GUI development and functional programming.

Each recipe includes self-contained code solutions that you can freely use, along with a discussion of how and why they work. If you are familiar with Java basics, this cookbook will bolster your knowledge of the language in general and Java 8’s main APIs in particular.

Recipes include:

  • Methods for compiling, running, and debugging
  • Manipulating, comparing, and rearranging text
  • Regular expressions for string- and pattern-matching
  • Handling numbers, dates, and times
  • Structuring data with collections, arrays, and other types
  • Object-oriented and functional programming techniques
  • Directory and filesystem operations
  • Working with graphics, audio, and video
  • GUI development, including JavaFX and handlers
  • Network programming on both client and server
  • Database access, using JPA, Hibernate, and JDBC
  • Processing JSON and XML for data storage
  • Multithreading and concurrency


從lambda表達式和JavaFX 8到對網絡編程和移動開發的新支持,Java 8帶來了大量的變化。這本食譜將幫助您立即掌握各種Java主題的數百個實踐配方。您將學習到從調試和數據結構到GUI開發和函數式編程的有用技巧。

每個配方都包含獨立的代碼解決方案,您可以自由使用,並討論了它們的工作原理和原因。如果您熟悉Java基礎知識,這本食譜將增強您對語言的整體了解,特別是Java 8的主要API。


- 編譯、運行和調試的方法
- 操作、比較和重新排列文本
- 用於字符串和模式匹配的正則表達式
- 處理數字、日期和時間
- 使用集合、數組和其他類型結構化數據
- 面向對象和函數式編程技術
- 目錄和文件系統操作
- 處理圖形、音頻和視頻
- GUI開發,包括JavaFX和處理程序
- 客戶端和服務器上的網絡編程
- 使用JPA、Hibernate和JDBC進行數據庫訪問
- 處理JSON和XML進行數據存儲
- 多線程和並發