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With 90 detailed hacks, expert web developers Jesse Cravens and Jeff Burtoft demonstrate intriguing uses of HTML5-related technologies. Each recipe provides a clear explanation, screenshots, and complete code examples for specifications that include Canvas, SVG, CSS3, multimedia, data storage, web workers, WebSockets, and geolocation.
You’ll also find hacks for HTML5 markup elements and attributes that will give you a solid foundation for creative recipes that follow. The last chapter walks you through everything you need to know to get your HTML5 app off the ground, from Node.js to deploying your server to the cloud.
Here are just a few of the hacks you’ll find in this book:
- Make iOS-style card flips with CSS transforms and transitions
- Replace the background of your video with the Canvas tag
- Use Canvas to create high-res Retina Display-ready media
- Make elements on your page user-customizable with editable content
- Cache media resources locally with the filesystem API
- Reverse-geocode the location of your web app user
- Process image data with pixel manipulation in a dedicated web worker
- Push notifications to the browser with Server-Sent Events
擁有90個詳細的技巧,專業網頁開發者Jesse Cravens和Jeff Burtoft展示了HTML5相關技術的有趣應用。每個食譜都提供了清晰的解釋、截圖和完整的代碼範例,涵蓋的規範包括Canvas、SVG、CSS3、多媒體、數據存儲、網頁工作者、WebSockets和地理定位。
- 使用CSS變換和過渡製作iOS風格的卡片翻轉
- 使用Canvas標籤替換視頻的背景
- 使用Canvas創建高解析度的Retina顯示媒體
- 使頁面上的元素可由用戶自定義,並可編輯內容
- 使用文件系統API在本地緩存媒體資源
- 反向地理編碼您的網頁應用用戶的位置
- 在專用的網頁工作者中處理圖像數據,進行像素操作
- 使用伺服器發送事件向瀏覽器推送通知