Learning Unix for OS X Mountain Lion: Using Unix and Linux Tools at the Command Line (Paperback)

Dave Taylor




Think your Mac is powerful now? Author Dave Taylor shows you how to get much more from your system by tapping into Unix, the robust operating system concealed beneath OS X’s beautiful user interface. Mountain Lion puts more than a thousand Unix commands at your fingertips—for finding and managing files, remotely accessing your Mac from other computers, and using a variety of freely downloadable open source applications. Take a friendly tour of the Unix command line and 50 of the most useful utilities, and quickly learn how to gain real control over your Mac.

  • Get your Mac to do exactly what you want, when you want
  • Make changes to your Mac’s filesystem and directories
  • Use Unix’s find, locate, and grep commands to locate files containing specific information
  • Create unique "super-commands" to perform tasks that you specify
  • Run multiple Unix programs and processes at the same time
  • Install the X Window system and get a quick tour of the best X11 applications
  • Learn how to take even greater advantage of Unix on your Mac


你的 Mac 現在已經很強大了嗎?作者 Dave Taylor 將向你展示如何透過 Unix,這個隱藏在 OS X 美麗使用者介面下的強大作業系統,讓你的系統發揮更大的潛力。Mountain Lion 提供超過一千個 Unix 命令,讓你輕鬆找到和管理檔案、從其他電腦遠端存取你的 Mac,以及使用各種免費下載的開源應用程式。帶著友善的心情,探索 Unix 命令列和 50 個最有用的工具,快速學習如何真正掌控你的 Mac。

- 讓你的 Mac 在你想要的時候做你想要的事情
- 修改你的 Mac 檔案系統和目錄
- 使用 Unix 的 find、locate 和 grep 命令尋找包含特定資訊的檔案
- 創建獨特的「超級命令」來執行你指定的任務
- 同時運行多個 Unix 程式和進程
- 安裝 X Window 系統,並快速了解最佳的 X11 應用程式
- 學習如何更充分地利用你的 Mac 上的 Unix