Make: Technology on Your Time Volume 33 (Paperback)

Mark Frauenfelder Ed.




MAKE Volume 33 has great projects for makers of all skill levels — Arduino projects, internet gadgets, food, music, personal fabrication, astronomy, electronics, and more. In our special Codebox section you'll learn about software of interest to makers, including circuit board design, 3D CAD and printing, microcontrollers and creative coding, and programming for kids, featuring Microsoft's SmallBasic, Scratch, and the extremely popular Kickstarter-funded project Makey Makey. And you'll meet fascinating makers, like the maniacs behind the popular Power Wheels Racing events at Maker Faire.

You'll get 20 great DIY projects like the Optical Tremolo guitar effect, "Panjolele" cake-pan ukelele, Wii Nunchuk Mouse, CNC joinery tricks, treat-dispensing cat scratching post, laser-cut flexing wooden books, LED photography lights, trick treasure box, brewing sake, growing the incredibly hot "ghost chili" pepper, Arduino waveform generation, and the Dryer Messenger and Cloudfridge smart home applicance projects.


《MAKE》第33期提供了適合各種技能水平的製作者的精彩項目,包括Arduino項目、互聯網小玩意、食物、音樂、個人製造、天文學、電子學等等。在我們特別的Codebox專欄中,您將了解到對製作者有興趣的軟件,包括電路板設計、3D CAD和打印、微控制器和創意編程,以及針對兒童的編程,其中包括微軟的SmallBasic、Scratch和非常受歡迎的Kickstarter資助項目Makey Makey。您還將會遇到一些迷人的製作者,例如Maker Faire上受歡迎的Power Wheels Racing活動背後的狂熱者。

您將獲得20個精彩的DIY項目,例如光學顫音吉他效果、'Panjolele'蛋糕盤烏克麗麗、Wii Nunchuk滑鼠、CNC連接技巧、自動發放零食的貓抓板、激光切割的彎曲木書籍、LED攝影燈、特技寶箱、釀造清酒、種植極辣的'鬼辣椒'、Arduino波形生成,以及Dryer Messenger和Cloudfridge智能家居設備項目。