Hadoop Operations (Paperback)

Eric Sammer




If you’ve been tasked with the job of maintaining large and complex Hadoop clusters, or are about to be, this book is a must. You’ll learn the particulars of Hadoop operations, from planning, installing, and configuring the system to providing ongoing maintenance.

Hadoop is being adopted by more and more Fortune 500 companies, and the demand for operations-specific material has skyrocketed. This book—written by Eric Sammer, Principal Solution Architect at Cloudera—is the definitive operations guide for administrators.

Developers who want to improve MapReduce jobs by learning how Hadoop works in large production environments will also benefit. Application administrators responsible for the health and operation of large distributed applications or systems will find this guide extremely useful.


如果您被指派負責維護大型且複雜的 Hadoop 集群,或即將面臨這項任務,這本書是必讀的。您將學習有關 Hadoop 運營的細節,從規劃、安裝和配置系統到提供持續的維護。

越來越多的財富500強企業正在採用 Hadoop,對於運營相關的資料需求也急劇增加。這本書是由 Cloudera 的首席解決方案架構師 Eric Sammer 撰寫的,是管理員的權威操作指南。

希望在大型生產環境中了解 Hadoop 如何運作以改進 MapReduce 任務的開發人員也會受益。負責大型分散式應用程式或系統的應用程式管理員將會發現這本指南非常有用。