Spring Data (Paperback)
暫譯: Spring Data (平裝本)

Mark Pollack, Oliver Gierke, Thomas Risberg, Jon Brisbin, Michael Hunger



You can choose several data access frameworks when building Java enterprise applications that work with relational databases. But what about big data? This hands-on introduction shows you how Spring Data makes it relatively easy to build applications across a wide range of new data access technologies such as NoSQL and Hadoop.

Through several sample projects, you’ll learn how Spring Data provides a consistent programming model that retains NoSQL-specific features and capabilities, and helps you develop Hadoop applications across a wide range of use-cases such as data analysis, event stream processing, and workflow. You’ll also discover the features Spring Data adds to Spring’s existing JPA and JDBC support for writing RDBMS-based data access layers.

  • Learn about Spring’s template helper classes to simplify the use of database-specific functionality
  • Explore Spring Data’s repository abstraction and advanced query functionality
  • Use Spring Data with Redis (key/value store), HBase (column-family), MongoDB (document database), and Neo4j (graph database)
  • Discover the GemFire distributed data grid solution
  • Export Spring Data JPA-managed entities to the Web as RESTful web services
  • Simplify the development of HBase applications, using a lightweight object-mapping framework
  • Build example big-data pipelines with Spring Batch and Spring Integration


您在建立與關聯式資料庫互動的 Java 企業應用程式時,可以選擇幾個資料存取框架。但大數據呢?這本實作導向的入門書將向您展示如何使用 Spring Data 使得在各種新資料存取技術(如 NoSQL 和 Hadoop)上構建應用程式變得相對簡單。

透過幾個範例專案,您將學習到 Spring Data 如何提供一致的程式設計模型,保留 NoSQL 特有的功能和特性,並幫助您在各種使用案例中開發 Hadoop 應用程式,例如資料分析、事件串流處理和工作流程。您還將發現 Spring Data 為 Spring 現有的 JPA 和 JDBC 支援添加的功能,以便撰寫基於 RDBMS 的資料存取層。

- 了解 Spring 的模板輔助類別,以簡化資料庫特定功能的使用
- 探索 Spring Data 的儲存庫抽象和進階查詢功能
- 使用 Spring Data 與 Redis(鍵/值存儲)、HBase(列族)、MongoDB(文件資料庫)和 Neo4j(圖形資料庫)
- 發現 GemFire 分散式資料網格解決方案
- 將 Spring Data JPA 管理的實體匯出為 RESTful 網路服務
- 使用輕量級物件映射框架簡化 HBase 應用程式的開發
- 使用 Spring Batch 和 Spring Integration 構建範例大數據管道