$950$751 -
$520$411 -
$403HTML5 開發精要與實例詳解
$1,634Experiences of Test Automation: Case Studies of Software Test Automation (Paperback)
$1,580$1,501 -
$1,615Professional WebGL Programming: Developing 3D Graphics for the Web, 2/e (Paperback)
$780$663 -
$780$616 -
$550$435 -
$580$458 -
$281迎接互聯網的明天︰玩轉 3D Web
$2,500$2,375 -
$560$442 -
$950$751 -
$2,000$1,900 -
$1,188Beginning WebGL for HTML5 (Paperback)
$680$537 -
$480$379 -
$680$537 -
$580$452 -
$1,130$961 -
$1,980$1,881 -
$2,100$1,995 -
$1,386Programming 3D Applications with HTML5 and WebGL: 3D Animation and Visualization for Web Pages (Paperback)
Get a quick introduction to WebGL, the new standard for 3D rendering on the Web and a member of HTML5’s family of technologies. With this hands-on guide, you’ll learn essential WebGL development and production concepts, using the JavaScript 3D engine Three.js. At the end of the book, you’ll put everything together and build a full 3D application with WebGL.
You don’t have to be a game development wizard or have 3D graphics experience to get started. If you use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript—and have familiarity with JQuery and Ajax—this book will help you gain a working knowledge of WebGL through clear and simple examples.
- Understand core 3D graphics concepts and how to implement them in WebGL
- Create WebGL sample pages as you learn, and build a racing game application in the final chapter
- Get to know the Three.js open source library in detail
- Develop working knowledge of graphics rendering, texturing, animation, interaction, and behaviors
- Seamlessly integrate 3D graphics with other content on the page
- Learn the tools, file formats, and techniques for developing robust and secure applications in a production environment
"WebGL: Up and Running is an ideal introduction to the world of 3D programming on the web. It’s well-written, clear, and fun. I wish it had been around when I started learning!"
—Giles Thomas, LearningWebGL.com
快速了解 WebGL,這是網頁上 3D 渲染的新標準,也是 HTML5 技術家族的一員。通過這本實用指南,您將學習到使用 JavaScript 3D 引擎 Three.js 的基本 WebGL 開發和生產概念。在書的最後,您將把所有內容整合在一起,構建一個完整的 WebGL 3D 應用程式。
您不必是遊戲開發高手或擁有 3D 圖形經驗就能開始。如果您使用 HTML、CSS 和 JavaScript,並對 JQuery 和 Ajax 有一定的了解,這本書將通過清晰簡單的範例幫助您獲得 WebGL 的實用知識。
- 理解核心 3D 圖形概念及其在 WebGL 中的實現方式
- 在學習過程中創建 WebGL 範例頁面,並在最後一章構建一個賽車遊戲應用程式
- 詳細了解 Three.js 開源庫
- 發展圖形渲染、紋理處理、動畫、互動和行為的實用知識
- 將 3D 圖形與頁面上的其他內容無縫整合
- 學習在生產環境中開發穩健和安全應用程式的工具、文件格式和技術
《WebGL: Up and Running》是進入網頁 3D 編程世界的理想入門書籍。它寫得很好,清晰且有趣。我希望在我開始學習時就有這本書!
—Giles Thomas, LearningWebGL.com