Learning CFEngine 3: Automated system administration for sites of any size (Paperback)

Diego Zamboni

  • 出版商: O'Reilly|英文2書85折
  • 出版日期: 2012-03-31
  • 定價: $670
  • 售價: 3.0$199
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 250
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 1449312209
  • ISBN-13: 9781449312206
  • 相關分類: 雲端運算
  • 立即出貨 (庫存 < 3)




CFEngine is the most mature and widely used tool for comprehensive configuration management. This book is devoted to CFEngine 3, released in 2009. The main audience for this book is experienced system administrators of null-to-medium expertise with CFEngine, although more advanced CFEngine users may also find useful snippets and techniques. Its goal is to guide you from installation to advanced examples and concepts by using examples and techniques that can be put to work straight away.

CFEngine was first released in 1993, and it has evolved over the years to address real needs in real systems, and to match the technological evolutions that have taken place, such as virtualization and cloud computing. CFEngine is fine-tuned to the features and design that make it possible to automate very large numbers of systems in a scalable and manageable way. CFEngine has been designed to be very resource-efficient, and it can run on everything from smartphones to supercomputers.

With the new version came a complete overhaul of its syntax and mode of operation, and with many new features such as Knowledge Management and support for virtual environments. CFEngine 3 is different from many other automation mechanisms in that you do not need to tell it what to do. Instead, you specify the state in which you wish the system to be, and CFEngine will automatically and iteratively decide the actions to take to reach the desired state, or as close to it as possible. Underlying this ability is a powerful theoretical model known as Promise Theory, which was initially developed for CFEngine 3, but which has also found other applications in Computer Science and in other fields such as Economics and Organization.


CFEngine是最成熟且廣泛使用的全面配置管理工具。本書專注於CFEngine 3,該版本於2009年發布。本書的主要讀者是有CFEngine經驗的經驗豐富的系統管理員,雖然更高級的CFEngine用戶也可以找到有用的片段和技巧。本書的目標是通過使用可以立即投入使用的示例和技術,從安裝到高級示例和概念來指導您。


隨著新版本的推出,CFEngine的語法和操作模式進行了完全改造,並引入了許多新功能,例如知識管理和對虛擬環境的支持。CFEngine 3與許多其他自動化機制不同,您不需要告訴它要做什麼。相反,您指定您希望系統處於的狀態,CFEngine將自動且迭代地決定要採取的操作以達到所需的狀態,或盡可能接近所需的狀態。支持這種能力的是一個強大的理論模型,稱為Promise Theory,最初是為CFEngine 3開發的,但也在計算機科學以及經濟學和組織學等其他領域找到了應用。