Using the HTML5 Filesystem API (Paperback)

Eric Bidelman

  • 出版商: O'Reilly|英文2書85折
  • 出版日期: 2011-08-30
  • 定價: $700
  • 售價: 1.4$99
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 76
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 1449309453
  • ISBN-13: 9781449309459
  • 相關分類: HTML
  • 立即出貨 (庫存 < 3)




Several client-side storage options are available to web applications, but one area that's been lacking until now is file I/O—the ability to organize binary data into a true hierarchy of folders. That has changed with the advent of HTML5. With this book, you'll learn how to provide your applications with a file system that enables them to create, read, and write files and folders in a sandboxed section of the user's local filesystem.

Author Eric Bidelman, a Senior Developer Programs Engineer on the Google Chrome team, provides several techniques and complete code examples for working with the HTML5 Filesystem API.

  • Learn common operations for working with files and directories
  • Become familiar with HTML5's storage use cases and security considerations
  • Understand the storage options available, including temporary, persistent, and unlimited
  • Write text or append data to an existing user file
  • Import files into your application by accessing a user's hard drive
  • Get techniques for using a file with filesystem, blob, or data URLs
  • Use the synchronous version of the HTML5 Filesystem API within a Web Worker context



作者Eric Bidelman是Google Chrome團隊的高級開發者計畫工程師,他提供了幾種使用HTML5檔案系統API的技術和完整的程式碼範例。

- 學習處理檔案和資料夾的常見操作
- 瞭解HTML5的儲存使用案例和安全考慮事項
- 瞭解可用的儲存選項,包括臨時、永久和無限制
- 寫入文字或將資料附加到現有使用者檔案
- 通過訪問使用者硬碟將檔案導入應用程式
- 獲取使用檔案系統、Blob或資料URL的技巧
- 在Web Worker上下文中使用HTML5檔案系統API的同步版本的技術