#tweetsmart: 25 Twitter Projects to Help You Build Your Community
暫譯: #tweetsmart:25 個 Twitter 專案幫助你建立社群

J. S. McDougall


"OK. I’ve got my Twitter account…now what can I do with it?" Sound familiar? #tweetsmart provides the answer with 25 creative projects to help your business, cause, or organization grow. But this isn’t just another social media marketing book—it’s the anti-marketing how-to community-engagement book.

Twitter is not a marketing channel (and should never be used as such) but it is a community of interested, engaged, and influential people. Meeting and getting to know these people can help you build your own community. In this useful guide, you’ll find projects to help you approach your Twitter audience in ways that are strategic, measurable, and fun.

  • Put a new wrinkle on an old contest: "be the 10th person to tweet"
  • Create a hashtag game around your company or products
  • Instead of polling, ask your followers to help you make a product decision
  • Make MadLibs out of your marketing copy or mission statement
  • Hold a scavenger hunt, and relay clues via Twitter
  • Organize a weekly Twitter chat on various subjects
  • Solicit funny product shots, using Twitter’s photo-sharing utility
  • Spontaneously tweet from a store location: "Meet me now and win!"


「好吧。我已經擁有我的 Twitter 帳號……那我可以用它做什麼?」聽起來熟悉嗎?#tweetsmart 提供了 25 個創意專案,幫助您的業務、事業或組織成長。但這不僅僅是另一本社交媒體行銷書籍——這是一本反行銷的社區參與指南。

Twitter 不是一個行銷渠道(也不應該被用作這樣的用途),而是一個由感興趣、參與和有影響力的人組成的社區。認識這些人並與他們建立聯繫可以幫助您建立自己的社區。在這本實用指南中,您將找到幫助您以策略性、可衡量和有趣的方式接觸 Twitter 受眾的專案。

- 為舊比賽增添新花樣:'成為第十位發推的人'
- 圍繞您的公司或產品創建一個標籤遊戲
- 不要進行調查,請您的追隨者幫助您做出產品決策
- 將您的行銷文案或使命聲明製作成 MadLibs
- 舉辦尋寶遊戲,並通過 Twitter 傳遞線索
- 組織每週的 Twitter 聊天,討論各種主題
- 徵求有趣的產品照片,使用 Twitter 的照片分享工具
- 自發地從商店位置發推:'現在來見我並贏得獎品!'