ActionScript Developer's Guide to Robotlegs (Paperback)
暫譯: ActionScript 開發者指南:Robotlegs

Joel Hooks, Stray (Lindsey Fallow)



Robotlegs is a standout among the ActionScript 3 development frameworks available today. With it, Flash, Flex, and AIR developers can create well-architected, testable, and flexible Rich Internet Applications—fast. This concise guide shows you how the light footprint and focused scope of this open source framework not only solves your immediate coding problems, it helps you gain insight into AS3 architecture on a much deeper level.

The authors provide a walkthrough of specific features in two applications they've written in Robotlegs, complete with code for each application as a whole. You'll learn how to achieve a balance of flexibility and consistency in your own projects.

  • Solve 80% of your coding problems with 20% of the API
  • Gain code-base flexibility with automated Dependency Injection
  • Learn the anatomy of a Robotlegs application
  • Understand the relationships between models, services, control code, and views in the framework's MVCS architecture
  • See how the Robotlegs’ approach facilitates Test Driven Development (TDD)
  • Pick up practical methods for architecting Robotlegs solutions
  • Get expert insights to power-up your existing Robotlegs code


Robotlegs 是當前可用的 ActionScript 3 開發框架中最突出的選擇之一。使用它,Flash、Flex 和 AIR 開發者可以快速創建架構良好、可測試且靈活的豐富網路應用程式。這本簡明的指南展示了這個開源框架的輕量級特性和專注範疇,不僅能解決您當前的編碼問題,還能幫助您更深入地理解 AS3 架構。

作者提供了他們在 Robotlegs 中編寫的兩個應用程式的具體功能逐步介紹,並附上每個應用程式的完整代碼。您將學會如何在自己的專案中實現靈活性和一致性的平衡。

- 用 20% 的 API 解決 80% 的編碼問題
- 通過自動化的依賴注入獲得代碼基礎的靈活性
- 學習 Robotlegs 應用程式的結構
- 理解框架 MVCS 架構中模型、服務、控制代碼和視圖之間的關係
- 了解 Robotlegs 的方法如何促進測試驅動開發 (TDD)
- 獲得架構 Robotlegs 解決方案的實用方法
- 獲取專家見解以提升您現有的 Robotlegs 代碼