Automating ActionScript Projects with Eclipse and Ant (Paperback)

Sidney de Koning




This book guides ActionScript developers through the process of using Ant and setting up the ultimate developer workflow. Whether you are using FDT or FlashBuilder to develop, both are based on the Eclipse IDE. The power of this IDE lies in its extendability and plugins. You will learn how to install and set up a versioning repository in Git or SVN and use it straight from Eclipse, how to use Mylyn to connect to your favorite bug/issue tracker (Google Code, JIRA, Mantis), and how to manage your open issues. This book shows you how to leverage the power of Apache's Ant to save you time and automatically compile, debug, and deploy your work to an FTP server, networkshare, or webserver. But also use Ant to do everyday tasks like automatically generating HTML and Class files, zipping files and emailing your clients to notify them for a new release. Other topics this book covers are compiling to the standalone desktop application format Adobe AIR, and to the mobile platforms Android and iOS using Adobe AIR, all by using Ant.


本書將引導ActionScript開發人員使用Ant並建立最佳的開發工作流程。無論您是使用FDT還是FlashBuilder進行開發,兩者都基於Eclipse IDE。這個IDE的強大之處在於其可擴展性和插件。您將學習如何在Eclipse中安裝和設置版本控制庫(Git或SVN),並直接使用它,以及如何使用Mylyn連接到您喜歡的錯誤/問題跟踪器(Google Code,JIRA,Mantis),以及如何管理您的待處理問題。本書將向您展示如何利用Apache的Ant的功能,節省時間並自動編譯,調試和部署您的工作到FTP服務器,網絡共享或Web服務器。同時,還可以使用Ant執行日常任務,例如自動生成HTML和Class文件,壓縮文件並向客戶發送電子郵件通知他們有新版本可用。本書還涵蓋了將編譯成獨立桌面應用程序格式Adobe AIR以及使用Adobe AIR在Android和iOS移動平台上編譯的主題,所有這些都是通過使用Ant完成的。