YUI 3 Cookbook (Paperback)
暫譯: YUI 3 食譜 (平裝本)

Evan Goer

  • 出版商: O'Reilly
  • 出版日期: 2012-07-03
  • 定價: $1,300
  • 售價: 1.5$199
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 430
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 1449304192
  • ISBN-13: 9781449304195
  • 相關分類: 使用者介面 UI
  • 立即出貨(限量) (庫存=5)



Solve a wide range of problems in your web application quickly and efficiently with the Yahoo! User Interface Library (YUI). With this definitive, getting-started guide to version 3 of the popular open source JavaScript library, you’ll learn how to address many of the most common and challenging problems that web development presents.

YUI 3 Cookbook introduces specific implementation patterns in the library, demonstrating granular solutions for everything from simple page effects to sophisticated web apps. Experienced users will learn how to create modules that load on demand; generate beautiful documentation; and write powerful and flexible Widgets, Models, and Views.

  • Build YUI applications anywhere, from desktop browsers to touch-enabled mobile phones and backend Node.js environments
  • Learn how YUI scales with your code base, keeping it modular and organized
  • Apply animations, drag-and-drop, and other fully cross-browser UI effects with just a few lines of code
  • Understand YUI-powered DOM scripting, event management, and data transport
  • Debug, profile, and unit test your JavaScript application
  • Get a technical introduction to YUI, including module architecture, sandboxing, and component loading
  • Build custom modules with YUI and publish them to the YUI Gallery

"I was surprised to find out how much I didn't know until reading this book. There really isn't a better resource for learning or updating your YUI skills."
- Nicholas C. Zakas, Author and YUI Contributor


解決您網頁應用程式中各種問題,快速且有效地使用 Yahoo! 使用者介面庫 (YUI)。這本針對流行的開源 JavaScript 庫版本 3 的權威入門指南,將教您如何解決網頁開發中最常見和最具挑戰性的問題。

《YUI 3 食譜》介紹了庫中的特定實作模式,展示了從簡單的頁面效果到複雜的網頁應用程式的細緻解決方案。經驗豐富的使用者將學會如何創建按需加載的模組;生成美觀的文檔;以及編寫強大且靈活的 Widgets、Models 和 Views。

- 在任何地方構建 YUI 應用程式,從桌面瀏覽器到觸控啟用的手機和後端 Node.js 環境
- 瞭解 YUI 如何隨著您的代碼庫擴展,保持模組化和有序
- 只需幾行代碼即可應用動畫、拖放和其他完全跨瀏覽器的 UI 效果
- 理解 YUI 驅動的 DOM 腳本、事件管理和數據傳輸
- 調試、分析和單元測試您的 JavaScript 應用程式
- 獲得 YUI 的技術介紹,包括模組架構、沙盒和組件加載
- 使用 YUI 構建自定義模組並將其發佈到 YUI Gallery

「我驚訝地發現,直到閱讀這本書之前,我不知道自己有多少知識空白。真的沒有比這本書更好的資源來學習或更新您的 YUI 技能。」
- Nicholas C. Zakas,作者及 YUI 貢獻者