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$1,680Software Architecture in Practice, 3/e (Hardcover)
$660CSS3: The Missing Manual, 3/e (Paperback)
HTML5 is more than a markup language—it's a dozen independent web standards all rolled into one. Until now, all it's been missing is a manual. With this thorough, jargon-free guide, you'll learn how to build web apps that include video tools, dynamic drawings, geolocation, offline web apps, drag-and-drop, and many other features. HTML5 is the future of the Web, and with this book you'll reach it quickly.
The important stuff you need to know:
- Structure web pages in a new way. Learn how HTML5 helps make web design tools and search engines work smarter.
- Add audio and video without plugins. Build playback pages that work in every browser.
- Draw with Canvas. Create shapes, pictures, text, and animation—and make them interactive.
- Go a long way with style. Use CSS3 and HTML5 to jazz up your pages and adapt them for mobile devices.
- Build web apps with rich desktop features. Let users work with your app offline, and process user-selected files in the browser.
- Create location-aware apps. Write geolocation applications directly in the browser.
- 以新的方式結構化網頁。了解HTML5如何幫助網頁設計工具和搜索引擎更加智能地工作。
- 在不使用插件的情況下添加音頻和視頻。建立在所有瀏覽器中都能運行的播放頁面。
- 使用Canvas進行繪圖。創建形狀、圖片、文本和動畫,並使它們具有交互功能。
- 以出色的風格走得更遠。使用CSS3和HTML5為你的網頁增添活力,並使其適應移動設備。
- 建立具有豐富桌面功能的網頁應用程式。讓用戶在離線狀態下使用你的應用程式,在瀏覽器中處理用戶選擇的文件。
- 創建具有定位功能的應用程式。直接在瀏覽器中編寫地理定位應用程式。