ZigBee Network Protocols and Applications (Hardcover)
暫譯: ZigBee 網路協定與應用 (精裝版)

Chonggang Wang, Tao Jiang, Qian Zhang



content<P>Compared with other wireless communication technologies, such as Bluetooth, WiFi, and UWB, ZigBee<SUP>®</SUP> is a far more reliable, affordable, and energy-efficient option. It is also the only global wireless communication standard for easily deployed, low-power consumption products.<BR><BR><STRONG>ZigBee<SUP>®</SUP> Network Protocols and Applications </STRONG>provides detailed descriptions of ZigBee network protocols and explains how to set up and develop your own ZigBee-based customized applications with step-by-step instructions. Starting with a brief introduction to near-field communications, low-power communications, and related protocols, it discusses ZigBee architectures, standards, and protocols. It also addresses potential issues such as power management, security, reliability, quality of service, topology control, MAC routing, and transport protocols.<BR><BR>Emphasizing development tools that are based on readily available commercial kits, the book illustrates ZigBee applications across a wide range of fields. Each chapter presents the contributions of a different group of experts from around the world. The book is organized into five major parts:</P> <OL> <LI>Introduces near-field communications (NFC), low-power communications, and ZigBee along with related protocols such as Bluetooth, WiFi, UWB, and Wireless USB</LI> <LI>Describes ZigBee architectures, standards, and protocols</LI> <LI>Examines ZigBee performance improvement and addresses potential issues </LI> <LI>Illustrates ZigBee applications across a range of fields—explaining how to develop ZigBee applications that are based on commercially available kits and hardware </LI> <LI>Compares and contrasts ZigBee with 6LoWPAN, Z-Wave, Wireless Hart, and RFID</LI></OL> <P></P> <P>Providing step-by-step instruction on how to set up and develop ZigBee-based applications, this book is a must-read for researchers and engineers. Supplying the required foundation and network protocols, it is also suitable for use as a textbook for senior undergraduate and graduate courses in electrical or computer engineering programs. </P>sourceProduct Description



與其他無線通信技術相比,如 Bluetooth、WiFi 和 UWB,ZigBee® 是一個更可靠、經濟實惠且能效更高的選擇。它也是唯一一個全球無線通信標準,適用於易於部署的低功耗產品。

**ZigBee® 網路協議與應用** 提供了 ZigBee 網路協議的詳細描述,並解釋如何設置和開發您自己的基於 ZigBee 的自定義應用,並提供逐步指導。書中首先簡要介紹近場通信、低功耗通信及相關協議,接著討論 ZigBee 的架構、標準和協議。它還涉及潛在問題,如電源管理、安全性、可靠性、服務質量、拓撲控制、MAC 路由和傳輸協議。

本書強調基於現成商業套件的開發工具,展示了 ZigBee 在各個領域的應用。每一章都呈現來自世界各地不同專家團隊的貢獻。本書分為五個主要部分:

1. 介紹近場通信 (NFC)、低功耗通信及 ZigBee,並涵蓋相關協議,如 Bluetooth、WiFi、UWB 和無線 USB
2. 描述 ZigBee 的架構、標準和協議
3. 檢視 ZigBee 的性能改進並解決潛在問題
4. 展示 ZigBee 在各個領域的應用——解釋如何開發基於商業可用套件和硬體的 ZigBee 應用
5. 對比 ZigBee 與 6LoWPAN、Z-Wave、Wireless Hart 和 RFID

本書提供逐步指導,教您如何設置和開發基於 ZigBee 的應用,對於研究人員和工程師來說是必讀之作。它提供所需的基礎和網路協議,也適合作為電機或計算機工程課程的本科高年級和研究生課本。