Apress is proud to announce that Rethinking the Internet of Things was a 2014 Jolt Award Finalist, the highest honor for a programming book. And the amazing part is that there is no code in the book.
Over the next decade, most devices connected to the Internet will not be used by people in the familiar way that personal computers, tablets and smart phones are. Billions of interconnected devices will be monitoring the environment, transportation systems, factories, farms, forests, utilities, soil and weather conditions, oceans and resources.
Many of these sensors and actuators will be networked into autonomous sets, with much of the information being exchanged machine-to-machine directly and without human involvement. Machine-to-machine communications are typically terse. Most sensors and actuators will report or act upon small pieces of information - "chirps". Burdening these devices with current network protocol stacks is inefficient, unnecessary and unduly increases their cost of ownership.
This must change. The architecture of the Internet of Things must evolve now by incorporating simpler protocols toward at the edges of the network, or remain forever inefficient. Rethinking the Internet of Things describes reasons why we must rethink current approaches to the Internet of Things. Appropriate architectures that will coexist with existing networking protocols are described in detail. An architecture comprised of integrator functions, propagator nodes, and end devices, along with their interactions, is explored.
Apress 自豪地宣布,重新思考物聯網 是 2014 年 Jolt 獎的入圍者,這是程式設計書籍的最高榮譽。而令人驚訝的是,這本書中沒有任何程式碼。
這必須改變。物聯網的架構必須通過在網絡邊緣整合更簡單的協議而演變,否則將永遠低效。重新思考物聯網 描述了為什麼我們必須重新思考當前對物聯網的處理方式。詳細描述了將與現有網絡協議共存的適當架構。探討了一種由整合器功能、傳播節點和終端設備組成的架構,以及它們之間的互動。