Learn cocos2d Game Development with iOS 5 (Paperback) (學習 cocos2d 遊戲開發與 iOS 5)

Steffen Itterheim, Andreas Lw

  • 出版商: Apress
  • 出版日期: 2011-11-02
  • 售價: $1,610
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$1,530
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 532
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 1430238135
  • ISBN-13: 9781430238133
  • 相關分類: 遊戲引擎 Game-engineApple Developer
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)




Create compelling 2D games with Learn cocos2d Game Development with iOS 5. This book shows you how to use the powerful cocos2d game engine to develop games for iPhone and iPad with tilemaps, virtual joypads, Game Center, and more.

It teaches you:

  • The process and best practices of mobile game development, including sprite batching, texture atlases, parallax scrolling, touch and accelerometer input.
  • How to enhance your games using the Box2D and Chipmunk physics engines and other cocos2d-related tools and libraries.
  • How to add UIKit views to cocos2d and how to add cocos2d to UIKit apps.
  • The ins and outs of the Kobold2D development environment for cocos2d and its preconfigured libraries, including cocos3d and Lua.

Best of all, Learn cocos2d Game Development with iOS 5 will have you making games right from the very start. It guides you step-by-step through the creation of sample games. These fun examples are modeled after popular App Store games and teach you key concepts of the cocos2d game engine and relevant tools like TexturePacker (texture atlas), PhysicsEditor (physics collision shapes), Particle Designer (particle effects), Glyph Designer (bitmap fonts), and others.

This book offers a rock-solid introduction to creating games made entirely with cocos2d and little or no iOS 5 SDK and OpenGL code. It also details alternative implementations, identifies the best free and commercial tools for cocos2d game development, features coverage of the author’s improved cocos2d game engine (Kobold2D), and even helps you enhance your game’s marketability on the App Store.

What you’ll learn

  • The process and best practices of mobile game development, including sprite batching, texture atlases, parallax scrolling, touch and accelerometer input.
  • How to enhance your games using the Box2D and Chipmunk physics engines and other cocos2d-related tools and libraries.
  • How to add UIKit views to cocos2d and how to add cocos2d to UIKit apps.
  • The ins and outs of the Kobold2D development environment for cocos2d and its preconfigured libraries, including cocos3d and Lua.

Who this book is for

The book is aimed at beginning game developers looking for an easier and even more powerful way to create compelling 2D graphics using OpenGL and Objective-C. It is assumed that the reader will have some knowledge of object-oriented programming and the Apple and iPhone/iPad developer environment.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Getting Started
  3. Essentials
  4. Your First Game
  5. Game Building Blocks
  6. Sprites In-Depth
  7. Scrolling with Joy
  8. Shoot ’em Up
  9. Particle Effects
  10. Working with Tilemaps
  11. Isometric Tilemaps
  12. Physics Engines
  13. Pinball Game
  14. Game Center
  15. Best Tools for cocos2D Development
  16. Kobold2D Fundamentals
  17. Out of the Ordinary


使用《Learn cocos2d Game Development with iOS 5》一書,您可以創建引人入勝的2D遊戲。本書將向您展示如何使用強大的cocos2d遊戲引擎開發iPhone和iPad遊戲,包括使用瓦片地圖、虛擬搖桿、Game Center等功能。

- 移動遊戲開發的流程和最佳實踐,包括精靈批處理、紋理圖集、視差滾動、觸摸和加速度計輸入。
- 如何使用Box2D和Chipmunk物理引擎以及其他cocos2d相關工具和庫來增強遊戲。
- 如何將UIKit視圖添加到cocos2d中,以及如何將cocos2d添加到UIKit應用程序中。
- Kobold2D開發環境和其預配置庫(包括cocos3d和Lua)的詳細信息。

最重要的是,《Learn cocos2d Game Development with iOS 5》將從一開始就引導您製作遊戲。它逐步指導您創建示例遊戲,這些有趣的示例遊戲模仿了流行的App Store遊戲,並教授您cocos2d遊戲引擎和相關工具(如TexturePacker(紋理圖集)、PhysicsEditor(物理碰撞形狀)、Particle Designer(粒子效果)、Glyph Designer(位圖字體)等)的關鍵概念。

本書提供了一個堅實的入門指南,完全使用cocos2d和幾乎不使用iOS 5 SDK和OpenGL代碼來創建遊戲。它還介紹了替代實現方法,介紹了最佳的免費和商業cocos2d遊戲開發工具,介紹了作者改進的cocos2d遊戲引擎(Kobold2D),甚至幫助您提升遊戲在App Store上的市場競爭力。

《Learn cocos2d Game Development with iOS 5》的學習內容包括:
- 移動遊戲開發的流程和最佳實踐,包括精靈批處理、紋理圖集、視差滾動、觸摸和加速度計輸入。
- 如何使用Box2D和Chipmunk物理引擎以及其他cocos2d相關工具和庫來增強遊戲。
- 如何將UIKit視圖添加到cocos2d中,以及如何將cocos2d添加到UIKit應用程序中。
- Kobold2D開發環境和其預配置庫(包括cocos3d和Lua)的詳細信息。


1. 簡介
2. 入門
3. 基礎知識
4. 您的第一個遊戲
5. 遊戲構建模塊
6. 深入研究精靈
7. 搖桿滾動
8. 射擊遊戲
9. 粒子效果
10. 使用瓦片地圖
11. 等角瓦片地圖
12. 物理引擎
13. 彈珠遊戲
14. Game Center
15. cocos2D開發的最佳工具
16. Kobold2D基礎知識
17. 非常規方法