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Persistence is an important set of techniques and technologies for accessing and transacting data, and ensuring that data is mobile regardless of specific applications and contexts. In Java development, persistence is a key factor in enterprise, e-commerce, and other transaction-oriented applications.
Today, the Spring Framework is the leading out-of-the-box solution for enterprise Java developers; in it, you can find a number of Java Persistence solutions.
This book gets you rolling with fundamental Spring Framework 3 concepts and integrating persistence functionality into enterprise Java applications using Hibernate, the Java™ Persistence API (JPA) 2, and the Grails Object Relational Mapping tool, GORM.
- Covers core Hibernate fundamentals, demonstrating how the framework can be best utilized within a Spring application context
- Covers how to use and integrate JPA 2, found in the new Java EE 6 platform
- Covers how to integrate and use the new Grails persistence engine, GORM
What you’ll learn
- How to use Spring Persistence, including using persistence tools in Spring as well as choosing the best Java Persistence frameworks/tools outside of Spring
- How to work with Spring Framework features such as Inversion of Control (IoC), aspect-oriented programming (AOP), and more
- How to work with Spring JDBC, use declarative transactions with Spring, and reap the benefits of a lightweight persistence strategy
- How to work with Hibernate and integrate it into your Spring-based enterprise Java applications for transactions, data processing, and more
- How to integrate with legacy databases, as well as use best practices for developing web services and handling Hibernate proxies and lazy collections
- How to the integrate the Spring/Hibernate persistence tier with RIA technologies like Ajax and Flash
- How to integrate JPA for architecting a well-layered persistence tier in your enterprise Java application
- How to move a persistence tier into JPA
- How to use and integrate the Grails persistence framework, GORM, and how to leverage it within a standard Java Spring MVC application
Who is this book for?
This book is ideal for developers interested in learning more about persistence framework options on the Java platform, as well as fundamental Spring concepts. Because the book covers several persistence frameworks, it is suitable for anyone interested in learning more about Spring or any of the frameworks covered. Lastly, this book covers advanced topics related to persistence architecture and design patterns, and is ideal for beginning developers looking to learn more in these areas.
本書將帶您深入了解Spring Framework 3的基本概念,並將持久化功能集成到企業級Java應用程序中,使用Hibernate、Java™ Persistence API(JPA)2和Grails對象關係映射工具GORM。
- 詳細介紹Hibernate的核心基礎知識,展示如何在Spring應用程序上下文中最佳利用該框架
- 詳細介紹如何使用和集成Java EE 6平台中的JPA 2
- 詳細介紹如何集成和使用新的Grails持久化引擎GORM
- 如何使用Spring Persistence,包括在Spring中使用持久化工具,以及選擇最佳的Java持久化框架/工具
- 如何使用Spring Framework的功能,如控制反轉(IoC)、面向方面的編程(AOP)等
- 如何使用Spring JDBC,使用Spring的聲明式事務,並獲得輕量級持久化策略的好處
- 如何使用Hibernate並將其集成到基於Spring的企業級Java應用程序中,用於事務處理、數據處理等
- 如何與舊有數據庫集成,以及使用開發Web服務的最佳實踐,處理Hibernate代理和延遲集合
- 如何將Spring/Hibernate持久化層與Ajax和Flash等RIA技術集成
- 如何使用JPA在企業級Java應用程序中設計良好分層的持久化層
- 如何將持久化層轉移到JPA
- 如何使用和集成Grails持久化框架GORM,以及如何在標準的Java Spring MVC應用程序中利用它