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Pro SQL Server 2008 Mirroring is your complete guide to planning, using, deploying, and maintaining database mirroring as a high-availability option. Mirroring protects you by maintaining one or more duplicate copies of your database for use in the event the primary copy is damaged. It is a key component of any production-level, high-availability solution. This book covers the full spectrum of database mirroring, taking you from the planning phase through the implementation to the maintenance phase and beyond.
- Easy to follow, step-by-step instructions for beginner and intermediate users
- In-depth, detailed information for advanced and expert users
- Covers all phases of database mirroring from planning to sustained maintenance
What you'll learn
- Plan effectively for database mirroring. Learn what questions to ask and what problems to anticipate
- Get step-by-step instructions on how to set up database mirroring
- Automate the initial setup and the ongoing maintenance of mirrored databases
- Monitor database mirroring, detect failures, and generate automated alerts
- Build a system that automatically responds to and fixes common problems
- Build in support for the missing facets of database mirroring, such as support for cross-database dependencies
- Define groups of databases that all fail over together to their mirrors when just one of those databases fails
- Create operational processes so that even nontechnical staff can manage mirrored databases
Who is this book for?
General audience: Pro SQL Server 2008 Database Mirroring is aimed at SQL Server 2008 database administrators, and especially those who desire to mirror their databases in support of high availability. System administrators and operational engineers who manage Windows Server systems that support mirrored database environments will also find much in the book of interest.
About the Apress Pro Series
The Apress Pro series books are practical, professional tutorials to keep you on and moving up the professional ladder.
You have gotten the job, now you need to hone your skills in these tough competitive times. The Apress Pro series expands your skills and expertise in exactly the areas you need. Master the content of a Pro book, and you will always be able to get the job done in a professional development project. Written by experts in their field, Pro series books from Apress give you the hard–won solutions to problems you will face in your professional programming career.
《Pro SQL Server 2008 Mirroring》是您規劃、使用、部署和維護資料庫鏡像作為高可用性選項的完整指南。鏡像透過維護一個或多個資料庫的重複副本來保護您,以便在主要副本損壞時使用。這是任何生產級高可用性解決方案的關鍵組成部分。本書涵蓋了資料庫鏡像的全範圍,帶您從規劃階段到實施,再到維護階段及其後的內容。
- 易於遵循的逐步指導,適合初學者和中級使用者
- 深入且詳細的信息,適合高級和專家使用者
- 涵蓋資料庫鏡像的所有階段,從規劃到持續維護
- 有效規劃資料庫鏡像。了解應該提出哪些問題以及預期哪些問題
- 獲得逐步指導,了解如何設置資料庫鏡像
- 自動化鏡像資料庫的初始設置和持續維護
- 監控資料庫鏡像,檢測故障並生成自動警報
- 建立一個系統,自動響應並修復常見問題
- 建立對資料庫鏡像缺失方面的支持,例如對跨資料庫依賴的支持
- 定義一組資料庫,當其中一個資料庫故障時,所有資料庫都會一起切換到其鏡像
- 創建操作流程,使非技術人員也能管理鏡像資料庫
一般讀者:《Pro SQL Server 2008 Database Mirroring》針對 SQL Server 2008 資料庫管理員,特別是那些希望鏡像其資料庫以支持高可用性的人。管理支持鏡像資料庫環境的 Windows Server 系統的系統管理員和運營工程師也會在本書中找到許多感興趣的內容。
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Apress Pro 系列書籍是實用的專業教程,幫助您在職業生涯中不斷前進。您已經獲得了工作,現在需要在這些競爭激烈的時期磨練您的技能。Apress Pro 系列擴展了您在所需領域的技能和專業知識。掌握 Pro 書籍的內容,您將始終能夠在專業開發項目中完成工作。這些書籍由各自領域的專家撰寫,Apress 的 Pro 系列書籍為您提供了在專業程式設計職業中面對的問題的艱辛解決方案。