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Pro Android is the first book that includes coverage of the new Google Android 1.5 SDK (including the branch formerly called Cupcake). This essential book covers the fundamentals of building applications for embedded devices thru through to advanced concepts, such as, custom 3D components.
- Takes a pragmatic approach to developing Google Android applications.
- Examines the Android Virtual Device; the Input-Method Framework, special development considerations for touch screen vs. keyboard/traditional input, Voice Recognition, and Live Folders,
- Covers the Android media APIs (Media APIs, WI-FI APIs, etc), including the new simplified OpenGL, improved Media Framework and more.
With Android 1.5 and this book that includes Android 1.5 coverage, developersyou should will be able to build leading edge mobile applications ranging from Games to Google Apps like add-ons to Google Docs and more—no matter the device interface. Extend and run APIs of the new Google Chrome browser/WebOS on G1, G2 and other forthcoming next generation Google Phones and other Android enabled devices and Netbooks.
What you’ll learn
- What is Android and how to use Android to build Java-based mobile applications for Google Phones with touch screen or keyboard,thanks to Cupcake's inclusion as of Android 1.5.
- Create applications that run on either or both touch and keyboard screens.
- How to design and architect a variety of mobile phone and device applications using Google's Android SDK.
- Build Multimedia and even Game applications using Android's Media APIs, improved Media Framework and Simplified OpenGL.
- How to use Android's Location Based Services, Networking (WI-FI APIs) and Security.
Who is this book for?
This book is for professional software engineers/programmers looking to move their ideas and applications into the mobile space with Android. The author assumes the reader has a passable understanding of Java. They should be able to write classes and handle basic inheritance structures. This book also targets hobbyist developers looking to get their feet wet in the complex minefield of mobile software.
About the Apress Pro Series
The Apress Pro series books are practical, professional tutorials to keep you on and moving up the professional ladder.
You have gotten the job, now you need to hone your skills in these tough competitive times. The Apress Pro series expands your skills and expertise in exactly the areas you need. Master the content of a Pro book, and you will always be able to get the job done in a professional development project. Written by experts in their field, Pro series books from Apress give you the hard–won solutions to problems you will face in your professional programming career.
《Pro Android》是第一本涵蓋新的 Google Android 1.5 SDK(包括之前稱為 Cupcake 的分支)的書籍。這本必備的書籍涵蓋了從嵌入式設備應用程式開發的基本原理到進階概念,例如自訂 3D 元件。
- 採取務實的方法來開發 Google Android 應用程式。
- 檢視 Android 虛擬設備;輸入法框架,觸控螢幕與鍵盤/傳統輸入的特殊開發考量,語音辨識和即時資料夾。
- 涵蓋 Android 媒體 API(媒體 API、WI-FI API 等),包括新的簡化 OpenGL、改進的媒體框架等。
隨著 Android 1.5 的推出以及本書對 Android 1.5 的涵蓋,開發者將能夠構建從遊戲到 Google 應用程式(如 Google Docs 的附加功能)等尖端的行動應用程式,無論設備介面如何。擴展並運行新 Google Chrome 瀏覽器/WebOS 的 API,適用於 G1、G2 及其他即將推出的下一代 Google 手機和其他支援 Android 的設備及上網本。
### 您將學到什麼
- 什麼是 Android,以及如何使用 Android 為具觸控螢幕或鍵盤的 Google 手機構建基於 Java 的行動應用程式,這要歸功於 Android 1.5 中包含的 Cupcake。
- 創建可以在觸控和鍵盤螢幕上運行的應用程式。
- 如何使用 Google 的 Android SDK 設計和架構各種行動電話和設備應用程式。
- 使用 Android 的媒體 API、改進的媒體框架和簡化的 OpenGL 構建多媒體甚至遊戲應用程式。
- 如何使用 Android 的位置服務、網路(WI-FI API)和安全性。
### 本書適合誰?
本書適合希望將其想法和應用程式轉移到 Android 行動領域的專業軟體工程師/程式設計師。作者假設讀者對 Java 有基本的理解,應能編寫類別並處理基本的繼承結構。本書也針對希望在行動軟體的複雜領域中入門的業餘開發者。
### 關於 Apress Pro 系列
Apress Pro 系列書籍是實用的專業教程,幫助您在職業生涯中不斷進步。您已經獲得了工作,現在需要在這個競爭激烈的時期磨練您的技能。Apress Pro 系列擴展您在所需領域的技能和專業知識。掌握 Pro 書籍的內容,您將能夠在專業開發專案中始終完成工作。這些書籍由各領域的專家撰寫,Apress 的 Pro 系列為您提供在專業程式設計生涯中面對的問題的艱辛解決方案。