Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs through Data Structures (Paperback)

Kenneth A. Lambert




In FUNDAMENTALS OF PYTHON: FROM FIRST PROGRAMS THROUGH DATA STRUCTURES, Washington and Lee University professor Kenneth A. Lambert presents all of the important topics in CS1 and CS2 in one volume. This economical format provides instructors with a consistent approach to teaching introductory programming and data structures over a standard two-term course sequence. The book uses the Python programming language, which is both easy to learn for beginners and scales well to advanced applications.


在《PYTHON基礎:從第一個程式到資料結構》一書中,華盛頓與李大學的教授Kenneth A. Lambert將CS1和CS2中的所有重要主題結合在一本書中。這種經濟實惠的格式為教師提供了一種一致的方法,以在標準的兩學期課程中教授入門程式設計和資料結構。該書使用Python程式語言,這對於初學者來說易於學習,並且在高級應用中也能很好地擴展。