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Space Trajectories: Basic and Advanced Topics
暫譯: 太空軌跡:基礎與進階主題

Cerf, Max

  • 出版商: Wiley
  • 出版日期: 2024-11-27
  • 售價: $4,810
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$4,570
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 464
  • 裝訂: Hardcover - also called cloth, retail trade, or trade
  • ISBN: 1394293798
  • ISBN-13: 9781394293797
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)


An authoritative reference that covers essential concepts of orbital mechanics and explains how they relate to advanced space trajectory applications

Space Trajectories is the first book to offer a comprehensive exploration of orbital mechanics and trajectory optimization in a single volume. Beginning with a review of essential concepts, the book progresses to advanced space applications, highlighting methods used in today's space missions.

The contents are organized into three parts. The first part delves into free orbital motion, covering topics such as Keplerian motion, perturbed motion, the three-body problem, orbit determination, and collision risks in orbit. The second part focuses on controlled orbital motion, discussing impulsive transfer, orbital rendezvous, thrust level optimization, low-thrust transfer, and space debris cleaning. The third part examines ascent and reentry, including launch into orbit, launcher staging, analytical solutions in flat Earth, interplanetary missions, and atmospheric reentry.

Each chapter is written in a modular way, featuring conclusion summaries, key points, and suggestions for further investigation. Examples are included with detailed solutions methods that readers can apply to solve their own trajectory problems.

Written by an expert of the topic who has performed guidance of Ariane launchers for 30 years, Space Trajectories includes information on:

  • Keplerian motion, motion time law, universal formulation, equinoctial parameters, and Lagrange coefficients
  • Osculating orbit, Gauss equations, gravitational and third body perturbations, Lissajous and Halo orbits, and invariant manifolds
  • Astrometry measurements, Kalman filtering, orbit uncertainties, and collision probability
  • Transfer in one, two, or three impulses, minimum-energy transfer, Lambert's problem, high- and low-thrust transfer, and interplanetary path
  • Launch and reentry trajectories, propulsion systems, optimized thrust profiles, and launcher staging

Space Trajectories is an essential reference for students and researchers aiming to quickly understand the main issues in astrodynamics and the way to design trajectories, as well as space engineers seeking to consolidate their knowledge in the field of optimization and optimal control applied to aerospace and space missions.



太空軌跡 是第一本在單一卷冊中提供對軌道力學和軌跡優化的全面探索的書籍。書籍從基本概念的回顧開始,逐步進入先進的太空應用,突顯當今太空任務中使用的方法。



本書由一位在阿麗亞娜發射器指導方面擁有30年經驗的專家撰寫,太空軌跡 包含以下資訊:

  • 開普勒運動、運動時間法則、通用公式、春分參數及拉格朗日係數

  • 擬合軌道、高斯方程、重力及第三方擾動、利薩茹斯軌道及哈洛軌道、以及不變流形

  • 天文測量、卡爾曼濾波、軌道不確定性及碰撞概率

  • 一次、兩次或三次衝擊的轉移、最小能量轉移、蘭伯特問題、高推力及低推力轉移、以及行星間路徑

  • 發射及再入軌跡、推進系統、優化推力曲線及發射器分級

太空軌跡 是學生和研究人員快速理解天體力學主要問題及設計軌跡方法的必備參考書,亦是希望鞏固在優化及最佳控制應用於航空航天及太空任務領域知識的太空工程師的重要參考。


Max Cerf, Ph.D. is an emeritus expert in mission analysis and optimization at ArianeGroup, where he has been involved in space mission analysis and developing and deploying the company's Ariane launchers for 30 years. He is also serving as an Associate Professor at Sorbonne-Université, where his research focuses on control, optimization, and applied mathematics.


馬克斯·塞爾夫 (Max Cerf), 博士 是ArianeGroup的榮譽專家,專注於任務分析和優化,並在該公司從事太空任務分析以及開發和部署Ariane火箭已有30年。他同時擔任索邦大學 (Sorbonne-Université) 的副教授,研究重點為控制、優化和應用數學。