Ceh V12 Certified Ethical Hacker Study Guide with 750 Practice Test Questions (Paperback) (Ceh V12 認證倫理駭客學習指南:750 道練習測驗題)
Messier, Ric
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The latest version of the official study guide for the in-demand CEH certification, now with 750 Practice Test Questions
Information security and personal privacy remains a growing concern for businesses in every sector. And even as the number of certifications increases, the Certified Ethical Hacker, Version 12 (CEH v12) maintains its place as one of the most sought-after and in-demand credentials in the industry.
In CEH v12 Certified Ethical Hacker Study Guide with 750 Practice Test Questions, you'll find a comprehensive overview of the CEH certification requirements. Concise and easy-to-follow instructions are combined with intuitive organization that allows you to learn each exam objective in your own time and at your own pace. The Study Guide now contains more end of chapter review questions and more online practice tests. This combines the value from the previous two-book set including a practice test book into a more valuable Study Guide.
The book offers thorough and robust coverage of every relevant topic, as well as challenging chapter review questions, even more end of chapter review questions to validate your knowledge, and Exam Essentials, a key feature that identifies important areas for study. There are also twice as many online practice tests included. You'll learn about common attack practices, like reconnaissance and scanning, intrusion detection, DoS attacks, buffer overflows, wireless attacks, mobile attacks, Internet of Things vulnerabilities, and more. It also provides:
- Practical, hands-on exercises that reinforce vital, real-world job skills and exam competencies
- Essential guidance for a certification that meets the requirements of the Department of Defense 8570 Directive for Information Assurance positions
- Complimentary access to the Sybex online learning center, complete with chapter review questions, full-length practice exams, hundreds of electronic flashcards, and a glossary of key terms
The CEH v12 Certified Ethical Hacker Study Guide with 750 Practice Test Questions is your go-to official resource to prep for the challenging CEH v12 exam and a new career in information security and privacy.
資訊安全和個人隱私仍然是各行業企業日益關注的問題。即使認證數量增加,第12版的Certified Ethical Hacker(CEH v12)仍然是業界最受追捧和需求最高的資格之一。
在《CEH v12 Certified Ethical Hacker Study Guide with 750 Practice Test Questions》中,您將找到CEH認證要求的全面概述。簡潔易懂的指示結合直觀的組織方式,讓您可以按照自己的時間和節奏學習每個考試目標。該學習指南現在包含更多章節結束時的複習問題和更多在線練習測試。這將兩本書的價值合併為一本更有價值的學習指南,其中包括一本練習測試書。
- 實用的動手練習,強化重要的實際工作技能和考試能力
- 符合國防部8570指令對信息保護職位要求的認證的基本指導
- 免費訪問Sybex在線學習中心,包括章節複習問題、全長練習考試、數百張電子閃卡和重要術語詞彙表
《CEH v12 Certified Ethical Hacker Study Guide with 750 Practice Test Questions》是您準備具有挑戰性的CEH v12考試和在信息安全和隱私領域開展新職業的官方資源。
RIC MESSIER, CEH, GCIH, GSEC, CISSP, CCSP, is a consultant, educator, and author of numerous books on information security and digital forensics. With decades of experience in information technology and information security, Ric has held the varied roles of programmer, system administrator, network engineer, security engineering manager, VoIP engineer, consultant, and professor and he is currently a Principal Consultant with Mandiant.
RIC MESSIER, CEH, GCIH, GSEC, CISSP, CCSP 是一位顧問、教育家,以及多本資訊安全和數位取證書籍的作者。擁有數十年的資訊科技和資訊安全經驗,Ric 曾擔任程式設計師、系統管理員、網路工程師、安全工程經理、VoIP 工程師、顧問和教授等多種角色,目前是 Mandiant 的首席顧問。