Balanis` Advanced Engineering Electromagnetics, 3/e (Paperback)
暫譯: 巴拉尼斯的進階工程電磁學 (第三版)

Constantine A. Balanis

  • 出版商: Wiley
  • 出版日期: 2023-12-01
  • 定價: $2,480
  • 售價: 9.8$2,430
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 1136
  • ISBN: 1394180012
  • ISBN-13: 9781394180011
  • 相關分類: 電磁學 Electromagnetics
  • 立即出貨 (庫存=1)


Balanis’ third edition of Advanced Engineering Electromagnetics - a global best-seller for over 30 years - covers the advanced knowledge engineers involved in electromagnetics need to know, particularly as the topic relates to the fast-moving, continuously evolving, and rapidly expanding field of wireless communications. The immense interest in wireless communications and the expected increase in wireless communications systems projects (antennas, microwaves and wireless communications) points to an increase in the number of engineers needed to specialize in this field.Highlights of the 3rd Edition include:
●A new chapter, on Artificial Impedance Surfaces (AIS), contains material on current and advanced EM technologies, including the exciting and fascinating topic of metasurfaces for:
1.Control and broadband RCS reduction using checkerboard designs.
2.Optimization of antenna fundamental parameters, such as: input impedance, directivity, realized gain, amplitude radiation pattern.
3.Leaky-wave antennas using 1-D and 2-D polarization diverse-holographic high impedance metasurfaces for antenna radiation control and optimization.
4.Associated MATLAB programs for the design of checkerboard metasurfaces for RCS reduction, and metasurface printed antennas and holographic L WA for radiation control and optimization.
●Throughout the book, there are:
1.Additional examples, numerous end-of-chapter problems, and PPT notes.
2.Fifty three MATLAB computer programs for computations, graphical visualizations and animations.
3.Nearly 4,500 multicolor PowerPoint slides are available for self-study or lecture use.


Balanis 的《進階工程電磁學》第三版 - 一部全球暢銷書已超過 30 年 - 涵蓋了工程師在電磁學領域所需的進階知識,特別是與快速變化、持續演進及迅速擴展的無線通信領域相關的主題。對無線通信的巨大興趣以及預期無線通信系統專案(天線、微波和無線通信)的增加,顯示出需要專精於此領域的工程師人數將會增加。第三版的亮點包括:
● 新增一章,關於人工阻抗表面(Artificial Impedance Surfaces, AIS),包含當前及先進的電磁技術資料,包括以下令人興奮且引人入勝的主題:
1. 使用棋盤設計進行控制和寬頻 RCS 減少。
2. 天線基本參數的優化,例如:輸入阻抗、指向性、實現增益、幅度輻射模式。
3. 使用一維和二維極化多樣化全息高阻抗超表面的漏波天線進行天線輻射控制和優化。
4. 相關的 MATLAB 程式,用於設計棋盤超表面以減少 RCS,以及超表面印刷天線和全息 LWA 以進行輻射控制和優化。
● 全書中包含:
1. 額外的範例、眾多的章末問題和 PPT 筆記。
2. 五十三個 MATLAB 電腦程式,用於計算、圖形可視化和動畫。
3. 幾乎 4,500 張多彩的 PowerPoint 幻燈片可供自學或講座使用。


CONSTANTINE A. BALANIS is Regents Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering at Arizona State University, USA. He received his BSEE from Virginia Tech in 1964, his MEE from the University of Virginia in 1966, his PhD in Electrical Engineering from The Ohio State University in 1969, and an honorary doctorate from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH). Professor Balanis is a Life Fellow of IEEE, author of Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design, and editor of Modern Antenna Handbook, both published by Wiley.


康斯坦丁·A·巴拉尼斯是美國亞利桑那州立大學電機工程的名譽教授。他於1964年在維吉尼亞理工大學獲得電機工程學士學位,1966年在維吉尼亞大學獲得電機工程碩士學位,1969年在俄亥俄州立大學獲得電機工程博士學位,並獲得塞薩洛尼基亞里士多德大學的榮譽博士學位。巴拉尼斯教授是IEEE的終身會士,著作包括《天線理論:分析與設計》(Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design)以及編輯《現代天線手冊》(Modern Antenna Handbook),這兩本書均由Wiley出版。


1 Time-Varying and Time-Harmonic Electromagnetic Fields
2 Electrical Properties of Matter
3 Wave Equation and Its Solutions
4 Wave Propagation and Polarization
5 Reflection and Transmission
6 Auxiliary Vector Potentials, Construction of Solutions, and Radiation and Scattering Equations
7 Electromagnetic Theorems and Principles
8 Rectangular Cross-Section Waveguides and Cavities
9 Circular Cross-Section Waveguides and Cavities
10 Spherical Transmission Lines and Cavities
11 Scattering 
12 Integral Equations and the Moment Method
13 Geometrical Theory of Diffraction
14 Diffraction by a Wedge with Impedance Surfaces
15 Green’s Functions
16 Artificial Impedance Surfaces
Appendix I Identities
Appendix II Vector Analysis
Appendix III Fresnel Integrals
Appendix IV Bessel Functions
Appendix V Legendre Polynomials and Functions
Appendix VI the Method of Steepest Descent (saddle-point Method)


1 Time-Varying and Time-Harmonic Electromagnetic Fields

2 Electrical Properties of Matter

3 Wave Equation and Its Solutions

4 Wave Propagation and Polarization

5 Reflection and Transmission

6 Auxiliary Vector Potentials, Construction of Solutions, and Radiation and Scattering Equations

7 Electromagnetic Theorems and Principles

8 Rectangular Cross-Section Waveguides and Cavities

9 Circular Cross-Section Waveguides and Cavities

10 Spherical Transmission Lines and Cavities

11 Scattering 

12 Integral Equations and the Moment Method

13 Geometrical Theory of Diffraction

14 Diffraction by a Wedge with Impedance Surfaces

15 Green’s Functions

16 Artificial Impedance Surfaces

Appendix I Identities

Appendix II Vector Analysis

Appendix III Fresnel Integrals

Appendix IV Bessel Functions

Appendix V Legendre Polynomials and Functions

Appendix VI the Method of Steepest Descent (saddle-point Method)