Convergence: Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computing: Social, Economic, and Policy Impacts
暫譯: 融合:人工智慧與量子計算的社會、經濟與政策影響
Viggiano, Greg, Brin, David
Prepare for the coming convergence of AI and quantum computing
A collection of essays from 20 renowned, international authors working in industry, academia, and government, Convergence: Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computing explains the impending convergence of artificial intelligence and quantum computing. A diversity of viewpoints is presented, each offering their view of this coming watershed event.
In the book, you'll discover that we're on the cusp of seeing the stuff of science fiction become reality, with huge implications for ripping up the existing social fabric, global economy, and current geopolitical order. Along with an incisive foreword by Hugo- and Nebula-award winning author David Brin, you'll also find:
- Explorations of the increasing pace of technological development
- Explanations of why seemingly unusual and surprising breakthroughs might be just around the corner
- Maps to navigate the potential minefields that await us as AI and quantum computing come together
A fascinating and thought-provoking compilation of insights from some of the leading technological voices in the world, Convergence convincingly argues that we should prepare for a world in which very little will remain the same and shows us how to get ready.
這本書是由20位來自產業、學術界和政府的知名國際作者所撰寫的文章集,融合:人工智慧與量子計算 解釋了人工智慧與量子計算即將融合的情況。書中呈現了多樣的觀點,每位作者都提供了他們對這一即將到來的重大事件的看法。
在這本書中,您將發現我們正處於科幻小說變為現實的邊緣,這將對現有的社會結構、全球經濟和當前的地緣政治秩序產生巨大影響。除了由獲得雨果獎和星雲獎的作者David Brin所撰寫的深刻前言外,您還會找到:
- 對技術發展加速的探索
- 解釋為何看似不尋常和驚人的突破可能就在眼前
- 導航人工智慧與量子計算融合所帶來的潛在危機的地圖
這是一部引人入勝且發人深省的見解彙編,來自世界上一些領先的技術聲音,融合 有力地主張我們應該為一個幾乎所有事物都將改變的世界做好準備,並告訴我們如何準備。
GREG VIGGIANO, PhD, is an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Physics at George Mason University. His research interests include new technology applications and their macro social effects. He earned his doctorate in Mass Communication from Florida State University and is also the pro bono Executive Director for the Museum of Science Fiction in Washington, D.C.
GREG VIGGIANO 博士是喬治梅森大學物理系的兼任教授。他的研究興趣包括新技術應用及其對宏觀社會的影響。他在佛羅里達州立大學獲得大眾傳播博士學位,並且是位於華盛頓特區的科幻博物館的無償執行董事。