The Witcher and Philosophy: Toss a Coin to Your Philosopher

Brake, Matthew, Decker, Kevin S., Irwin, William

  • 出版商: Wiley
  • 出版日期: 2024-11-05
  • 售價: $1,010
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$960
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 272
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 139416873X
  • ISBN-13: 9781394168736
  • 尚未上市,無法訂購


Embark on a revealing philosophical journey through the universe of The Witcher

"If I'm to choose between one evil and another, I'd rather not choose at all," growls the mutant "witcher," Geralt of Rivia. Andrzej Sapkowski's Witcher books lay bare the adventures of monster hunters like Geralt, who seek to avoid humanity's conflicts and live only for the next kill and the coin that comes with it. But Geralt's destiny is complicated by his relationship with a powerful sorceress, Yennefer of Vengerberg. When he connects with a displaced princess, Ciri, Geralt lands right in the middle of the political conflicts of the Continent, which is endangered by Nilfgaard, a domineering southern kingdom that threatens to conquer the world.

Part of the Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture series, The Witcher and Philosophy brings on twenty-seven philosophers to test their mettle against werewolves, the bruxa, strigas, vodyanoi, and kikimora; their work addresses the phenomenally popular books, three standalone Witcher video games, and the hit Netflix streaming show. These authors pass on their fascination with all manner of horror and sorcery: the mutations that make Geralt and others witchers, the commonalities between the Continent and post-apocalyptic settings, the intricacies of political power and scandal in the world of The Witcher, and reflections of our own world's changing views on race and gender that might offer hope--or portend a grim future.

Engaging and accessible, The Witcher and Philosophy considers key themes and questions such as:

  • Who is human, and who is a monster?
  • Can Geralt afford to stay neutral?
  • What kind of politics do sorceresses engage in?
  • How many universes converge on the Continent?
  • If we stare long enough into the abyss, does it stare back into us?
  • Silver or steel?

"Destiny is just the embodiment of the soul's desire to grow," says Jaskier the bard, proving himself to be a natural philosopher. The tales of The Witcher remind us that our lives are a play written by both choice and destiny. And it is your destiny to read and be inspired by The Witcher and Philosophy.



「如果我必須在一種邪惡和另一種邪惡之間做出選擇,我寧願不選擇。」變種人「巫師」傑洛特·里維亞(Geralt of Rivia)低聲咆哮。安德烈·薩普科夫斯基(Andrzej Sapkowski)的《巫師》系列書籍揭示了像傑洛特這樣的怪物獵人的冒險,他們試圖避免人類的衝突,僅僅為了下一次的獵殺和隨之而來的金錢而活。然而,傑洛特的命運因與強大女巫耶妮弗(Yennefer of Vengerberg)的關係而變得複雜。當他與一位流亡公主希里(Ciri)建立聯繫時,傑洛特正好置身於大陸的政治衝突之中,而這個大陸正受到南方霸權王國尼弗迦德(Nilfgaard)的威脅,該王國企圖征服世界。

作為《Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture》系列的一部分,《巫師與哲學》邀請了二十七位哲學家,挑戰他們面對狼人、布魯克薩(bruxa)、斯特里加(striga)、水妖(vodyanoi)和基基莫拉(kikimora)的勇氣;他們的作品探討了這些極受歡迎的書籍、三款獨立的《巫師》視頻遊戲以及熱門的Netflix串流劇集。這些作者傳遞了他們對各種恐怖和魔法的著迷:使傑洛特和其他人成為巫師的變異、大陸與後末日背景之間的共通性、《巫師》世界中政治權力和醜聞的複雜性,以及我們自己世界對種族和性別變化的看法,這些看法可能帶來希望——或預示著陰暗的未來。

- 誰是人,誰是怪物?
- 傑洛特能否保持中立?
- 女巫參與什麼樣的政治?
- 有多少個宇宙匯聚在大陸上?
- 如果我們凝視深淵夠久,深淵會不會也回望我們?
- 銀或鋼?



Matthew Brake is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Northern Virginia Community College in Manassas, Virginia. He is a contributor to the Wonder Woman and Philosophy and Doctor Strange and Philosophy volumes. He is also the series editor of the Theology, Religion, and Pop Culture series from Fortress Academic and the forthcoming Religion and Comics series from McFarland.

Kevin S. Decker is Professor of Philosophy at Eastern Washington University near Spokane, Washington. He is the editor of Dune and Philosophy and co-editor (with Jason T. Eberl) of Star Wars and Philosophy Strikes Back. He's edited or co-edited eleven other anthologies of popular culture and philosophy. He is the author of Who is Who? The Philosophy of Doctor Who.


馬修·布雷克(Matthew Brake)是維吉尼亞州馬納薩斯的北維吉尼亞社區學院哲學助理教授。他是《神力女超人與哲學》(Wonder Woman and Philosophy)和《奇異博士與哲學》(Doctor Strange and Philosophy)兩本書的貢獻者。他也是福音學術出版社的神學、宗教與流行文化系列的系列編輯,以及麥克法蘭德即將出版的宗教與漫畫系列的編輯。

凱文·S·德克(Kevin S. Decker)是位於華盛頓州斯波坎附近的東華盛頓大學哲學教授。他是《沙丘與哲學》(Dune and Philosophy)的編輯,並與傑森·T·艾伯爾(Jason T. Eberl)共同編輯《星際大戰與哲學反擊》(Star Wars and Philosophy Strikes Back)。他編輯或共同編輯了其他十一部流行文化與哲學的選集。他是《誰是誰?《神秘博士》的哲學》(Who is Who? The Philosophy of Doctor Who.)的作者。