Level-up your HTML and CSS web development skills with this dynamic, visual guide
Teach Yourself VISUALLY HTML and CSS is the perfect resource for those of you who prefer to learn visually and would rather be shown how to do something - with crystal-clear screenshots and easy explanations - than suffer through long-winded explanations. You'll find step-by-step walkthroughs showing you how to tackle over 120 individual tasks involving HTML and CSS. Each task-based spread covers a single technique, ensuring you learn first the basics and then more advanced topics one straightforward piece at a time.
You'll learn to write HTML code in a text editor or an integrated development environment, add and format text, prepare images for the web, insert links to other pages, control layout with style sheets, add JavaScript to a web page, and more. You'll also discover how to:
- Create websites that look great in 2023 and beyond with classic HTML and skills and the most modern tips and tricks for contemporary web coding
- Optimize your websites for performance and speed, ensuring every visitor gets the best possible experience
- Add modern elements to your code, including,,, and, and make your code accessible to as many people as possible
Teach Yourself VISUALLY HTML and CSS is your personal roadmap to understanding how to get the most out of HTML and CSS to create, format, and troubleshoot websites of all kinds. This book will get you to the next level of web development, quickly and easily.
提升您的 HTML 和 CSS 網頁開發技能,透過這本動態的視覺指南
Teach Yourself VISUALLY HTML and CSS 是一個完美的資源,適合那些喜歡視覺學習的人,並且希望被展示如何做某件事情 - 透過清晰的截圖和簡單的解釋,而不是忍受冗長的說明。您將找到逐步的指導,展示如何處理超過 120 個與 HTML 和 CSS 相關的個別任務。每個以任務為基礎的頁面涵蓋一個單一技術,確保您首先學習基礎,然後再逐步深入更高級的主題。
您將學會在文本編輯器或整合開發環境中撰寫 HTML 代碼,添加和格式化文本,為網頁準備圖片,插入指向其他頁面的鏈接,使用樣式表控制佈局,將 JavaScript 添加到網頁中,等等。您還將發現如何:
- 使用經典的 HTML 技能和現代的網頁編碼技巧,創建在 2023 年及以後看起來很棒的網站
- 優化您的網站以提高性能和速度,確保每位訪客都能獲得最佳的體驗
- 在您的代碼中添加現代元素,包括,,, 和,並使您的代碼對盡可能多的人可訪問
Teach Yourself VISUALLY HTML and CSS 是您了解如何充分利用 HTML 和 CSS 來創建、格式化和排除各類網站問題的個人路線圖。這本書將幫助您快速輕鬆地提升到網頁開發的下一個層次。