$588IC Layout Basics: A Practical Guide (Paperback)(書況較舊,內頁有些許霉斑)
$1,378Linear Circuit Design Handbook (Hardcover)
$2,974Quantum Computing, Revised and Enlarged: A Short Course from Theory to Experiment, 2/e
$3,020$2,869 -
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$1,842Analog Integrated Circuit Design, 2/e (IE-Paperback)
$520$510 -
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$3,375USB 3.0 Technology: Comprehensive Guide to SuperSpeed USB (Paperback)
$1,078Design With Operational Amplifiers And Analog Integrated Circuits, 4/e (IE-Paperback)
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$454Jenkins 權威指南
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$556MATLAB 2020 GUI 程序設計從入門到精通
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$2,320$2,204 -
This book is based on a collection of homework problems, design projects and sample interview questions for the Vlsi High-Speed I/O Circuits class (Eee598) the author offered in the School of Engineering at Arizona State University. The materials cover various aspects of the design, analysis and application of Vlsi high-speed I/O circuits. This book is intended to be used together with the Vlsi High-Speed I/O Circuits textbook by the same author. It can also be used alone for the experienced readers.
本書基於作者在亞利桑那州立大學工程學院所教授的 Vlsi 高速 I/O 電路課程 (Eee598) 的作業題目、設計專案和範例面試問題的集合。這些材料涵蓋了 Vlsi 高速 I/O 電路設計、分析和應用的各個方面。本書旨在與同一作者的 Vlsi 高速 I/O 電路教科書一起使用,也可以單獨供有經驗的讀者使用。