Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering, 6/e (GE-Paperback)
暫譯: 化學反應工程要素,第6版 (GE-平裝本)

H. Scott Fogler

  • 出版商: Prentice Hall
  • 出版日期: 2022-01-01
  • 定價: $1,480
  • 售價: 9.8$1,450
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 1080
  • ISBN: 1292416661
  • ISBN-13: 9781292416663
  • 下單後立即進貨 (約5~7天)




Fordecades, H. Scott Foglers Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering hasbeen the worlds dominant chemical reaction engineering text. Usingsliders and interactive examples in Wolfram, Python, POLYMATH, and MATLAB,students can explore reactions and reactors by running realistic simulationexperiments.

Writing for todays students, Fogler provides instant access to information,avoids extraneous details, and presents novel problems linking theory topractice. Faculty can flexibly define their courses, drawing on updatedchapters, problems, and extensive Professional Reference Shelf web content atdiverse levels of difficulty.

The book thoroughly prepares undergraduates to apply chemical reaction kineticsand physics to the design of chemical reactors. And four advanced chaptersaddress graduate-level topics, including effectiveness factors. To support thefields growing emphasis on chemical reactor safety, each chapter now ends witha practical safety lesson.

  • Updates throughout the book reflect current theory and practice and emphasize safety
  • New discussions of molecular simulations and stochastic modeling
  • Increased emphasis on alternative energy sources such as solar and biofuels
  • Thorough reworking of three chapters on heat effects
  • Full chapters on nonideal reactors, diffusion limitations, and residence time distribution


  • Features
    • Successfully integrates text, visuals, and computer simulations to help both undergraduate and graduate students master the fundamentals of chemical reaction engineering
    • Contains new examples, problems, and video instruction helping students to explore key issues, seek optimum solutions, and practice critical thinking and creative problem-solving
    • Presents expanded coverage of crucial safety topics to address the latest ABET requirements
    • Includes expanded coverage of bioreactions and industrial chemistry, introduced with real reactors and reactions
    • Ancillaryresources such as the solutions manual are available for faculty andinstructors

    New to This Edition
    In Elementsof Chemical Reaction Engineering, Sixth Edition, H. Scott Fogler hasmade numerous updates, including greater emphasis on Chemical Reactor Safety, anew discussion on molecular simulations and stochastic modeling in Chapter 3,interactive modules on Living Example Problems and Molecular Simulations,revision and reworking of Chapters 11-13 from the Fifth Edition, andmore. Wolfram and Polymath will be used to solve real-world chemicalreaction engineering problems and to explore how the reaction behaves as onemanipulates the system variables.
    Forthe Sixth Edition, Fogler has made major changes to the website (http://www.umich.edu/~elements/5e)to more easily and readily facilitate Inquiry Based Learning (IBL). The websitewill feature greatly enhanced problems and examples through interaction exercises.Online ancillaries such as the Solutions Manual and PowerPoint Slides will beavailable for all instructors through the Pearson Instructor ResourceCenter. 


    The eagerlyanticipated new 6th Edition of the best-selling chemical reaction engineeringfor 30 years
    • Successfully integrates text, visuals, and computer simulations to help both undergraduate and graduate students master the fundamentals of chemical reaction engineering
    • Contains new examples, problems, and video instruction helping students to explore key issues, seek optimum solutions, and practice critical thinking and creative problem-solving
    • Presents expanded coverage of crucial safety topics to address the latest ABET requirements



數十年來,H. Scott Fogler 的化學反應工程要素一直是全球主導的化學反應工程教材。透過使用 Wolfram、Python、POLYMATH 和 MATLAB 的滑桿和互動範例,學生可以通過運行現實的模擬實驗來探索反應和反應器。

為了迎合當今的學生,Fogler 提供即時的資訊存取,避免冗餘的細節,並提出將理論與實踐聯繫起來的新問題。教師可以靈活地定義他們的課程,利用更新的章節、問題和各種難度的專業參考資料網頁內容。


  • 全書的更新反映當前的理論和實踐,並強調安全性

  • 新增分子模擬和隨機建模的討論

  • 對太陽能和生物燃料等替代能源的重視增加

  • 對三個有關熱效應的章節進行徹底重寫

  • 完整章節涵蓋非理想反應器、擴散限制和停留時間分佈

  • 特點

    • 成功整合文本、視覺效果和計算機模擬,幫助本科生和研究生掌握化學反應工程的基本原理

    • 包含新的範例、問題和視頻教學,幫助學生探索關鍵問題、尋求最佳解決方案,並練習批判性思維和創造性問題解決

    • 擴展了對關鍵安全主題的涵蓋,以滿足最新的 ABET 要求

    • 包括擴展的生物反應和工業化學的內容,並以真實的反應器和反應為引入

    • 提供解答手冊等附加資源,供教師和講師使用


    化學反應工程要素,第六版中,H. Scott Fogler 進行了多項更新,包括對化學反應器安全的更大重視、第 3 章中有關分子模擬和隨機建模的新討論、關於生活範例問題和分子模擬的互動模組、以及對第五版第 11-13 章的修訂和重寫等。Wolfram 和 Polymath 將用於解決現實世界的化學反應工程問題,並探索在操控系統變數時反應的行為。

    在第六版中,Fogler 對網站 (http://www.umich.edu/~elements/5e) 進行了重大更改,以更輕鬆和便捷地促進基於探究的學習 (IBL)。該網站將通過互動練習提供大幅增強的問題和範例。解答手冊和 PowerPoint 幻燈片等在線附加資源將通過 Pearson 教師資源中心提供給所有講師。


    備受期待的暢銷化學反應工程第六版已經推出,這本書已經出版 30 年。

    • 成功整合文本、視覺效果和計算機模擬,幫助本科生和研究生掌握化學反應工程的基本原理

    • 包含新的範例、問題和視頻教學,幫助學生探索關鍵問題、尋求最佳解決方案,並練習批判性思維和創造性問題解決

    • 擴展了對關鍵安全主題的涵蓋,以滿足最新的 ABET 要求


Table of contents
Chapter 1: Mole Balances
Chapter 2: Conversion and Reactor Sizing
Chapter 3: Rate Laws
Chapter 4: Stoichiometry
Chapter 5: Isothermal Reactor Design: Conversion
Chapter 6: Isothermal Reactor Design: Moles and MolarFlow Rates
Chapter 7: Collection and Analysis of Rate Data
Chapter 8: Multiple Reactions
Chapter 9: Reaction Mechanisms, Pathways,Bioreactions, and Bioreactors
Chapter 10: Catalysis and Catalytic Reactors
Chapter 11: Nonisothermal Reactor Design: TheSteady-State Energy Balance and Adiabatic PFR Applications
Chapter 12: Steady-State Nonisothermal Reactor Design:Flow Reactors with Heat Exchange
Chapter 13: Unsteady-State Nonisothermal ReactorDesign
Chapter 14: Mass Transfer Limitations in Reacting Systems
Chapter 15: Diffusion and Reaction
Chapter 16: Residence Time Distributions of ChemicalReactors
Chapter 17: Predicting Conversion Directly from theResidence Time Distribution
Chapter 18: Models for Nonideal Reactors


Table of contents

Chapter 1: Mole Balances

Chapter 2: Conversion and Reactor Sizing

Chapter 3: Rate Laws

Chapter 4: Stoichiometry

Chapter 5: Isothermal Reactor Design: Conversion

Chapter 6: Isothermal Reactor Design: Moles and MolarFlow Rates

Chapter 7: Collection and Analysis of Rate Data

Chapter 8: Multiple Reactions

Chapter 9: Reaction Mechanisms, Pathways,Bioreactions, and Bioreactors

Chapter 10: Catalysis and Catalytic Reactors

Chapter 11: Nonisothermal Reactor Design: TheSteady-State Energy Balance and Adiabatic PFR Applications

Chapter 12: Steady-State Nonisothermal Reactor Design:Flow Reactors with Heat Exchange

Chapter 13: Unsteady-State Nonisothermal ReactorDesign

Chapter 14: Mass Transfer Limitations in Reacting Systems

Chapter 15: Diffusion and Reaction

Chapter 16: Residence Time Distributions of ChemicalReactors

Chapter 17: Predicting Conversion Directly from theResidence Time Distribution

Chapter 18: Models for Nonideal Reactors