Principles of Chemistry: A Molecular Approach, 4/e (IE-Paperback)
暫譯: 化學原理:分子方法(第4版,IE-平裝本)
Nivaldo J. Tro
- 出版商: Pearson FT Press
- 出版日期: 2021-01-01
- 定價: $1,260
- 售價: 9.8 折 $1,235
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 1126
- ISBN: 1292348887
- ISBN-13: 9781292348889
化學 Chemistry
Principles of Chemistry: A Molecular Approach, 4/e (Hardcover)
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●NEW INTERACTIVE VIDEOS I have added 16 newKey Concept Videos (KCVs) and 24 new Interactive Worked Examples (IWEs) to the media package that accompaniesthe book. The video library now contains nearly 200 interactivevideos. These tools are designed to help professorsengage their students in active learning.
●NEW IN-CHAPTER QUESTIONS WITH FEEDBACK I have added approximately 67 new Conceptual Connectionquestions throughout the book and have changed theformat to multiple choice (with wrong answer feedbackin Mastering Chemistry). Each chapter now has 10-12 ofthese assignable questions. These questions transformthe reading process from passive to active and holdstudents accountable for reading assignments.
●NEW MISSED THIS? FEATURE I have added a newfeature called MISSED THIS? to the Self-AssessmentQuizzes and to the Problems by Topic section of the endof-chapter problems. This feature lists the resourcesthat students can use to learn how to answer thequestion or solve the problem. The resources includechapter sections to read, Key Concept Videos (KCVs) towatch, and Interactive Worked Examples (IWEs) to view.Students often try to solve anquestion orass~gnedproblem before doing any reading or reviewing; theyseek resources only after they have missed the questionor problem. The MISSED THIS? feature guidesthem to reliable resources that provide justcin-timeinstruction.
●NEW FOR PRACTICE FEEDBACK I have enhanced64 of the in-chapter For Practice problems (whichimmediately follow an in-chapter worked example)with feedback that can be accessed through MasteringChemistry.
●REVISED ART PROGRAM The art program has beenextensively revised.of the more complex figNav~gationureshas been reoriented to track from left to,right, andmany figure captions have been broken up and have beenmoved into the image itself as an "author voice" that exJ?lains the image and guides the reader through it.
●REVISED DATA INTERPRETATION AND ANALYSIS QUESTIONS The Data Interpretation and Analysisquestions that accompany each chapter have been extensivelyrevised to make them clearer and more accessibleto students.
●NEW SECTION ON DATA INTERPRETATION ANDANALYSIS I have added a new section to Chapter 1(Section 1.9) on the general topic of analyzing and interpretingdata. This section introduces the skills requiredto address many of the revised data interpretation andanalysis questions.
●NEW HOW TO . .. FEATURE All guidance for essentialskills such as problem-solving techniques, drawing Lewisstructures, and naming compounds is now presented ina consistent, step-by-step numbered list called How To ...
●REVISED CHAPTER 4 Chapter 4 in the previous editioncovered both stoichiometry and chemical reactionsin solution. In this edition, this content has been expanded slightly and has been divided into two morefocused chapters, so that Chapter 4 is now focused onstoichiometry and Chapter 5 on chemical reactions insolution. This new organization lessens the cognitiveload for students and allows each chapter to be moredirect and focused. All subsequent chapters have beenrenumbered accordingly.
●NEW ACTIVITY SERIES CONTENT I added a newsubsection to Section 5.9 entitled The Activity Series: PredictingWhether a Redox Reaction Is Spontaneous. The newsection includes new figures, tables, and a new workedexample.
●NEW READY-TO-GO LEARNING MODULES Theseonline modules offer students easy access to the bestTro content in Mastering Chemistry without needing tohave it assigned.
●NEW TWO-TIER OBJECTIVES A system of two-tierobjectives is being applied to the text and to the MasteringChemistry assets. The two tiers are Learning Objectives,or LOs, and Enabling Objectives, or EOs. The LOsare broad, high-level objectives that summarize the overalllearning goal, while the EOs are the building blockskills that enable students to achieve the LO. The learningobjectives are given in the Learning Outcomes tableat the end of the chapter.
●REVISED DATA All the data throughout the book havebeen updated to reflect the most recent measurementsavailable. These updates include Figure 4.2: CarbonDioxide in the Atmosphere; Figure 4.3: Global Temperatures;the unnumbered figure in Section 7.10 of U.S. Energy Consumption;Figure 7.12: Energy Consumption by Source; Table7.6: Changes in National Average Pollutant Levels,1990-Figure 15.19: Ozone Depletion in the Antarctic Spring;2016;Figure 17.15: Sources of U.S. Energy; Figure 17.16: Acid Rain;and Figure 17.18: U.S. Sulfur Dioxide Pollutant Levels.
●REVISEDCHAPTEROPENERS Manychapteropeningsections and (or) the corresponding art-includingChapters 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 18, 19, and 20-havebeen replaced or modified.
● 新互動影片
我新增了16個關鍵概念影片(Key Concept Videos, KCVs)和24個互動範例(Interactive Worked Examples, IWEs)到隨書附帶的媒體包中。現在的影片庫包含近200個互動影片。這些工具旨在幫助教授讓學生參與主動學習。
● 新的章節內問題與回饋
我在全書中新增了約67個概念連結問題,並將格式更改為選擇題(在Mastering Chemistry中提供錯誤答案回饋)。每章現在都有10-12個可分配的問題。這些問題將閱讀過程從被動轉變為主動,並使學生對閱讀作業負責。
● 新的「錯過了嗎?」功能
● 新的練習回饋
我增強了64個章節內的練習問題(這些問題緊接在章節內的範例之後),並可通過Mastering Chemistry獲得回饋。
● 修訂的藝術計畫
● 修訂的數據解釋與分析問題
● 新增數據解釋與分析部分
● 新的「如何...」功能
● 修訂的第4章
● 新的活性系列內容
● 新的即用學習模組
這些線上模組為學生提供了輕鬆訪問Mastering Chemistry中最佳內容的途徑,而無需將其分配。
● 新的雙層目標
一個雙層目標系統正在應用於文本和Mastering Chemistry資源。這兩個層次分別是學習目標(Learning Objectives, LOs)和促進目標(Enabling Objectives, EOs)。LOs是總結整體學習目標的廣泛高層次目標,而EOs則是使學生能夠實現LO的基礎技能。學習目標在每章結尾的學習成果表中列出。
● 修訂的數據
● 修訂的章節開頭
Nivaldo Tro has been teaching college Chemistry sinceand1990is currently teaching at Santa Barbara City College. He received his chemistry from Stanford University for work on developing and usingoptical techniques to study the adsorption and desorption of molecules toand from surfaces in ultrahigh vacuum. He then went on to the Universityof California at Berkeley, where he did postdoctoral research on ultrafastreaction dynamics in solution. Professor Tro has been awarded grantsfrom the American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund, theResearch Corporation, and the National Science Foundation to study thedynamics of various processes occurring in thin adlayer films adsor.bed ondielectric surfaces. Professor Tro lives .in Santa Barbara with his wife, Ann,and-their four children, Michael, Ali, Kyle, and Kaden. In his leisure time,Professor Tro enjoys mountain biking, surfing, and being outdoors withhis family.
Nivaldo Tro教授自1990年以來一直教授大學化學,目前在聖巴巴拉市立大學任教。他在史丹佛大學獲得化學博士學位,研究主題為開發和使用光學技術來研究分子在超高真空中對表面的吸附和脫附。隨後,他前往加州大學伯克利分校,進行有關溶液中超快速反應動力學的博士後研究。Tro教授曾獲得美國化學學會石油研究基金、研究公司和國家科學基金會的資助,以研究吸附在介電表面上的薄層膜中各種過程的動力學。Tro教授與妻子Ann及四個孩子Michael、Ali、Kyle和Kaden一起居住在聖巴巴拉。在閒暇時間,Tro教授喜歡山地自行車、衝浪以及與家人一起享受戶外活動。
Chapter 1: Matter, Measurement, and Problem Solving
Chapter 2: Atoms and Elements
Chapter 3: Molecules and Compounds
Chapter 4: Chemical Reactions and Chemical Quantities
Chapter 5: Introduction to Solutions and Aqueous Reactions
Chapter 6: Gases
Chapter 7: Thermochemistry
Chapter 8: The Quantum-Mechanical Model of the Atom
Chapter 9: Periodic Properties of the Elements
Chapter 10: Chemical Bonding I: The Lewis Model
Chapter 11: Chemical Bonding II: Molecular Shapes, Valence Bond Theory, and Molecular Orbital Theory
Chapter 12: Liquids, Solids, and Intermolecular Forces
Chapter 13: Solids and Modern Materials
Chapter 14: Solutions
Chapter 15: Chemical Kinetics
Chapter 16: Chemical Equilibrium
Chapter 17: Acids and Bases
Chapter 18: Aqueous Ionic Equilibrium
Chapter 19: Free Energy and Thermodynamics
Chapter 20: Electrochemistry
Chapter 21: Radioactivity and Nuclear Chemistry
Chapter 1: Matter, Measurement, and Problem Solving
Chapter 2: Atoms and Elements
Chapter 3: Molecules and Compounds
Chapter 4: Chemical Reactions and Chemical Quantities
Chapter 5: Introduction to Solutions and Aqueous Reactions
Chapter 6: Gases
Chapter 7: Thermochemistry
Chapter 8: The Quantum-Mechanical Model of the Atom
Chapter 9: Periodic Properties of the Elements
Chapter 10: Chemical Bonding I: The Lewis Model
Chapter 11: Chemical Bonding II: Molecular Shapes, Valence Bond Theory, and Molecular Orbital Theory
Chapter 12: Liquids, Solids, and Intermolecular Forces
Chapter 13: Solids and Modern Materials
Chapter 14: Solutions
Chapter 15: Chemical Kinetics
Chapter 16: Chemical Equilibrium
Chapter 17: Acids and Bases
Chapter 18: Aqueous Ionic Equilibrium
Chapter 19: Free Energy and Thermodynamics
Chapter 20: Electrochemistry
Chapter 21: Radioactivity and Nuclear Chemistry