Data Structures and Abstractions with Java, 4/e【內含Acess Code,經刮除不受退】(IE-Paperback) (Java資料結構與抽象概念(第4版))

Timothy Henry Frank M. Carrano



Data Structures and Abstractions with Java is suitable for one- or two-semester courses in data structures (CS-2) in the departments of Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Business, and Management Information Systems. This book is also useful for programmers and software engineers interested in learning more about data structures and abstractions.


This is the most student-friendly data structures text available that introduces ADTs in individual, brief chapters — each with pedagogical tools to help students master each concept. Using the latest features of Java, this unique object-oriented presentation makes a clear distinction between specification and implementation to simplify learning, while providing maximum classroom flexibility.


Teaching and Learning Experience

This book will provide a better teaching and learning experience—for you and your students. It will help:

  • Aid comprehension and facilitate teaching with an approachable format and content organization: Material is organized into small segments that focus a reader’s attention and provide greater instructional flexibility.
  • Support learning with student-friendly pedagogy: In-text and online features help students master the material.



- 以易於理解的格式和內容組織來幫助理解和教學:材料被組織成小段,專注讀者的注意力,提供更大的教學靈活性。
- 通過學生友好的教學法來支持學習:內文和線上功能幫助學生掌握材料。