C++ Plus Data Structures, 6/e (Hardcover) (C++ 與資料結構(第六版))

Nell Dale, Chip Weems, Tim Richards




C++ Plus Data Structures, Sixth Edition explores the specifications, applications, and implementations of abstract data types with unmatched accessibility. Topics such as modularization, data encapsulation, information hiding, object-oriented decomposition, algorithm analysis, life-cycle software verification models, and data abstraction are carefully presented to foster solid software engineering techniques. NEW & KEY FEATURES OF THE SIXTH EDITION: • UPDATED – Updated with new C++11 features including range-based for loops and threads • NEW – Includes a new Chapter 10, Trees Plus, that emphasizes balancing of search trees by covering AVL Trees, Red-Black Trees, and B-Trees • NEW – Includes a new chapter on Sets, Maps, and Hashing • NEW – Chapter 12, Sorting, now includes practical performance issues and parallel merge sort • NEW – Chapters in the second half of the text are now easier to assign in alternate orders, supporting a wider range of course goals and organizations • NEW – Modern new design enhances the look and feel of the text • STUDENT FAVORITE – Pedagogical features include: chapter openers with goals, marginal definition boxes, algorithm boxes, C++ boxes, function boxes, case studies, chapter summary, and end of chapter exercises


《C++ Plus資料結構,第六版》探索了抽象資料類型的規格、應用和實現,具有無與倫比的易讀性。本書精心介紹了模塊化、資料封裝、信息隱藏、面向對象的分解、算法分析、軟件驗證模型的生命周期以及資料抽象等主題,以培養堅實的軟件工程技巧。

- 更新 - 更新了新的C++11功能,包括基於範圍的for循環和線程
- 新增 - 新增了第10章《樹與平衡》,強調了對搜索樹的平衡,包括AVL樹、紅黑樹和B樹
- 新增 - 新增了一章關於集合、映射和哈希的內容
- 新增 - 第12章《排序》現在包括實際性能問題和並行合併排序
- 新增 - 書中後半部分的章節現在更容易按照不同的順序分配,支持更廣泛的課程目標和組織
- 新增 - 現代化的新設計提升了書籍的外觀和質感
- 學生喜愛 - 教學特點包括:章節開頭的目標、邊緣定義框、算法框、C++框、函數框、案例研究、章節總結和章末練習題