Comptia Security+ Certification Practice Exams, 4/e (Exam Sy0-601) (Paperback) (CompTIA Security+ 認證實戰考題集(第4版)(考試 Sy0-601))
LaChance, Daniel, Clarke, Glen E.
- 出版商: McGraw-Hill Education
- 出版日期: 2021-01-04
- 定價: $1,180
- 售價: 6.0 折 $708
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 416
- 裝訂: Hardcover - also called cloth, retail trade, or trade
- ISBN: 126046797X
- ISBN-13: 9781260467970
立即出貨 (庫存 < 3)
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$1,400Comptia Security+ Certification Study Guide, 4/e (Exam Sy0-601) (Paperback)
This up-to-date study aid contains hundreds of accurate practice questions and detailed answer explanations
CompTIA Security+(TM) Certification Practice Exams, Fourth Edition (Exam SY0-601) is filled with more than 1000 realistic practice questions--including new performance-based questions--to prepare you for this challenging exam. To help you understand the material, in-depth explanations of both the correct and incorrect answers are included for every question. This practical guide covers all official objectives for Exam SY0-601 and is the perfect companion to CompTIA Security+ Certification Study Guide, Fourth Edition.
Covers all exam topics, including:
Networking Basics and Terminology - Introduction to Security Terminology - Security Policies and Standards - Types of Attacks - Vulnerabilities and Threats - Mitigating Security Threats - Implementing Host-Based Security - Securing the Network Infrastructure - Wireless Networking and Security - Authentication - Authorization and Access Control - Introduction to Cryptography - Managing a Public Key Infrastructure - Physical Security - Risk Analysis - Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity - Understanding Monitoring and Auditing - Security Assessments and Audits - Incident Response and Computer Forensics
Online content includes:
- Test engine that provides full-length practice exams and customized quizzes by chapter or by exam domain
- Interactive performance-based question sample
《CompTIA Security+(TM) 認證實務考試,第四版 (考試 SY0-601)》內含超過1000道逼真的練習題,包括新的基於表現的問題,以幫助您準備應對這項具有挑戰性的考試。為了幫助您理解材料,每個問題都附有詳細的正確和錯誤答案解釋。這本實用指南涵蓋了考試 SY0-601 的所有官方目標,是《CompTIA Security+ 認證學習指南,第四版》的完美伴侶。
- 網絡基礎知識和術語 - 安全術語介紹 - 安全政策和標準 - 攻擊類型 - 弱點和威脅 - 減輕安全威脅 - 實施主機安全 - 保護網絡基礎設施 - 無線網絡和安全 - 認證 - 授權和存取控制 - 密碼學介紹 - 管理公鑰基礎設施 - 實體安全 - 風險分析 - 災難恢復和業務持續性 - 理解監控和審計 - 安全評估和審計 - 事件回應和電腦取證
- 測試引擎,提供全長模擬考試和按章節或考試領域定制的測驗
- 互動式基於表現的問題示例