CompTIA Server+ Certification All-in-One Exam Guide (Exam SK0-004) (CompTIA Server+ 認證全攻略 (考試 SK0-004))

Daniel Lachance



Complete coverage of every objective for the CompTIA Server+ exam

Take the CompTIA Server+ exam with confidence using this highly effective self-study guide. CompTIA Server+ Certification All-in-One Exam Guide (Exam SK0-004) offers complete coverage of every topic on the latest version of the exam. You will get in-depth explanations of the latest server types and components, virtualization, IPv4 and IPv6 networking, cloud computing, security, troubleshooting, and more. The book and electronic content provide 350+ accurate practice questions along with in-depth answers, explanations, learning objectives, and exam tips.

Coverage includes:

• General concepts
• CompTIA Server+ essentials
• Server hardware
• Server operating systems
• Storage
• Network concepts
• Security
• Troubleshooting
• Performance optimization


Electronic content includes:

• Practice exam questions
• Secured book PDF



CompTIA Server+ 考試每個目標的完整涵蓋

使用這本高效的自學指南,您可以自信地參加 CompTIA Server+ 考試。《CompTIA Server+ 認證全能考試指南(考試 SK0-004)》完整涵蓋了最新版本考試的每個主題。您將深入了解最新的伺服器類型和組件、虛擬化、IPv4 和 IPv6 網絡、雲計算、安全性、故障排除等。本書和電子內容提供了350多個準確的練習題,以及詳細的答案、解釋、學習目標和考試技巧。


• 一般概念
• CompTIA Server+ 基礎知識
• 伺服器硬體
• 伺服器作業系統
• 儲存
• 網絡概念
• 安全性
• 故障排除
• 效能優化


• 練習考試題目
• 安全的書籍 PDF