JavaScript for Sound Artists: Learn to Code with the Web Audio API

William Turner, Steve Leonard




Learn how to program JavaScript while creating interactive audio applications with JavaScript for Sound Artists: Learn to Code With the Web Audio API! William Turner and Steve Leonard showcase the basics of JavaScript language programing so that readers can learn how to build browser based audio applications, such as music synthesizers and drum machines. The companion website offers further opportunity for growth. Web Audio API instruction includes oscillators, audio file loading and playback, basic audio manipulation, panning and time. This book encompasses all of the basic features of JavaScript with aspects of the Web Audio API to heighten the capability of any browser.


學習如何使用JavaScript for Sound Artists: Learn to Code With the Web Audio API創建互動音頻應用程式,並學習如何編寫JavaScript程式語言的基礎!William Turner和Steve Leonard展示了JavaScript語言程式設計的基礎知識,讓讀者能夠學習如何構建基於瀏覽器的音頻應用程式,例如音樂合成器和鼓機。附帶的網站提供了進一步的成長機會。Web Audio API的指導內容包括振盪器、音頻文件加載和播放、基本音頻操作、聲道平移和時間控制。本書涵蓋了JavaScript的所有基本功能,並結合了Web Audio API的特點,提升了任何瀏覽器的功能。