Applying Systemic-Structural Activity Theory to Design of Human-Computer Interaction Systems (Ergonomics Design & Mgmt. Theory & Applications)
暫譯: 將系統結構活動理論應用於人機互動系統設計(人體工學設計與管理理論及應用)
Gregory Z. Bedny, Waldemar Karwowski, Inna Bedny
- 出版商: CRC
- 出版日期: 2024-02-13
- 售價: $2,460
- 貴賓價: 9.5 折 $2,337
- 語言: 英文
- 裝訂: Paperback
- ISBN: 1138747963
- ISBN-13: 9781138747968
Human–Computer Interaction (HCI) is an interdisciplinary field that has gained recognition as an important field in ergonomics. HCI draws on ideas and theoretical concepts from computer science, psychology, industrial design, and other fields. Human–Computer Interaction is no longer limited to trained software users. Today people interact with various devices such as mobile phones, tablets, and laptops. How can you make such interaction user friendly, even when user proficiency levels vary? This book explores methods for assessing the psychological complexity of computer-based tasks. It also presents methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis of exploratory activity during interaction with a computer.
人機互動(Human-Computer Interaction, HCI)是一個跨學科的領域,已被認可為人體工學中的重要領域。HCI 借鑒了計算機科學、心理學、工業設計及其他領域的思想和理論概念。人機互動不再僅限於受過訓練的軟體使用者。如今,人們與各種設備互動,例如手機、平板電腦和筆記型電腦。如何在使用者的熟練程度各異的情況下,使這種互動變得更友好?本書探討了評估基於計算機任務的心理複雜性的方法。它還介紹了在與計算機互動過程中,對探索性活動進行定性和定量分析的方法。
Gregory Bedny presently resides in Wayne, NJ. He works as a Research Associate at Evolute, Inc. in Louisville, Kentucky. He is an American citizen who emigrated from the former Soviet where he earned his Doctorate Degree (PhD) in Industrial Organizational Psychology from the Educational University of Moscow and a Post-Doctorate Degree (ScD) in Experimental Psychology from the Institute of General and Educational Psychology, National Pedagogical Academy of Science of USSR. He also is Academician of the International Academy of Human Problems in Aviation and Astronautics in Russia and Honorary Doctorate in Science, Ukrainian State University. For his achievements in psychology he has been awarded the Medal of the Ukrainian National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences. He is the author of five original scholarly books, the latest of which were published in USA. The first one was co-authors with Dr David Meister in the US in 1997. This book published by Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. The second book was co-authored with Dr. Karwowski in the US in 2007. This book published by Taylor and Francis Group. He also is the co-editor of two books published by Taylor and Francis Group in 2008 and 2011. He was invited editor of journal Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, V-5, #3, 2004. In former Soviet Union he worked as Industrial Engineer of Food Processing Machinery Factory, Industrial Psychologist in Industrial Research and Consulting Institute. After receiving his doctorate degrees he worked as associate and then full professor in Construction Engineering State University, in Marines Postgraduate School (part time), Pedagogical University in Odessa, Ukraine. He is author of different textbooks for universities in former Soviet Union. Dr Bedny has been conducting research on general and systemic-structural activity theory for the past 25 years. Systemic-structural activity theory is high level generality theory from which derived unified and standardize methods of study human work. He is the author of multiple articles in this field. He applied his theoretical study in field of human-computer interaction, manufacturing, merchant marines, robots systems, work motivation, training, reducing fatigue etc.
Waldemar Karwowski, Ph.D., D.Sc., P.E. is Professor and Chairman of the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Systems at the University of Central Florida, USA. He is also Executive Director, Institute for Advanced Systems Engineering, University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida. He holds an M.S. (1978) in Production Engineering and Management from the Technical University of Wroclaw, Poland, and a Ph.D. (1982) in Industrial Engineering from Texas Tech University, USA. He was awarded D.Sc. (dr habil.) degree in management science by the State Institute for Organization and Management in Industry, Poland (2004). He also received Honorary Doctorate degrees from three European universities. He is past President of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (2007), and Past President of the International Ergonomics Association (2000-2003).Dr. Karwowski served on the Committee on Human Systems Integration, National Research Council, the National Academies, USA (2007-2011). He is a Co-Editor of the Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing journal, and Editor-in-Chief of Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science journal. He is an author or editor of over 400 scientific publications in the areas of human systems integration, cognitive engineering, activity theory, systems engineering, human-computer interaction, fuzzy logic and neuro-fuzzy modeling, applications of nonlinear dynamics to human performance, and neuroergonomics.
Dr. I. S. Bedny is a computer professional with Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology. She is doing research applying SSAT to Human Computer interaction. She is the author or co-author of over 10 scientific publications in the field of HCI.
Gregory Bedny 目前居住在新澤西州的韋恩。他在肯塔基州路易維爾的 Evolute, Inc. 擔任研究助理。他是美國公民,曾從前蘇聯移民,並在莫斯科教育大學獲得工業組織心理學的博士學位 (PhD),以及在前蘇聯國立教育科學院的普通與教育心理學研究所獲得實驗心理學的博士後學位 (ScD)。他也是俄羅斯航空與太空人類問題國際學院的院士,以及烏克蘭國立大學的榮譽科學博士。因其在心理學方面的成就,他獲得了烏克蘭國家教育科學院的獎章。他是五本原創學術書籍的作者,其中最新的幾本在美國出版。第一本書是與美國的 David Meister 博士合著,於 1997 年出版,該書由 Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. 出版。第二本書是與美國的 Karwowski 博士合著,於 2007 年出版,該書由 Taylor and Francis Group 出版。他還是 2008 年和 2011 年由 Taylor and Francis Group 出版的兩本書的共同編輯。他曾受邀擔任期刊《Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, V-5, #3, 2004》的編輯。在前蘇聯,他曾擔任食品加工機械工廠的工業工程師,以及工業研究與諮詢研究所的工業心理學家。在獲得博士學位後,他在建築工程國立大學擔任副教授,並在海軍研究所(兼職)及烏克蘭敖德薩的教育大學任教。他是前蘇聯多所大學的不同教科書的作者。Bedny 博士在過去 25 年中進行了一般與系統結構活動理論的研究。系統結構活動理論是一種高層次的普遍性理論,從中衍生出統一和標準化的人類工作研究方法。他在這一領域發表了多篇文章。他將其理論研究應用於人機互動、製造業、商船、機器人系統、工作動機、訓練、減少疲勞等領域。
Waldemar Karwowski 博士,D.Sc., P.E. 是美國中佛羅里達大學工業工程與管理系的教授及系主任。他同時也是中佛羅里達大學高級系統工程研究所的執行主任。他於 1978 年在波蘭弗羅茨瓦夫科技大學獲得生產工程與管理碩士學位 (M.S.),並於 1982 年在美國德克薩斯科技大學獲得工業工程博士學位 (Ph.D.)。他於 2004 年獲得波蘭國家工業組織與管理研究所頒發的管理科學博士後學位 (D.Sc. dr habil.)。他還獲得三所歐洲大學的榮譽博士學位。他曾擔任人因與人體工學學會的會長 (2007),以及國際人體工學協會的會長 (2000-2003)。Karwowski 博士曾在美國國家研究委員會的人類系統整合委員會任職 (2007-2011)。他是《Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing》期刊的共同編輯,以及《Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science》期刊的主編。他在人體系統整合、認知工程、活動理論、系統工程、人機互動、模糊邏輯與神經模糊建模、非線性動力學在人體表現中的應用,以及神經人體工學等領域發表或編輯了超過 400 篇科學出版物。
I. S. Bedny 博士是一位擁有實驗心理學博士學位的計算機專業人士。她正在進行將系統結構活動理論 (SSAT) 應用於人機互動的研究。她是人機互動領域超過 10 篇科學出版物的作者或合著者。