Nonlinear Meta-Optics
暫譯: 非線性元光學

de Angelis, Costantino, Leo, Giuseppe, Neshev, Dragomir N.

  • 出版商: CRC
  • 出版日期: 2020-06-04
  • 售價: $6,780
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$6,441
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 330
  • 裝訂: Hardcover - also called cloth, retail trade, or trade
  • ISBN: 1138576549
  • ISBN-13: 9781138576544
  • 相關分類: 光學 Optics
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)


This book addresses fabrication as well as characterization and modeling of semiconductor nanostructures in the optical regime, with a focus on nonlinear effects. The visible range as well as near and far infrared spectral region will be considered with a view to different envisaged applications. The book covers the current key challenges of the research in the area, including: exploiting new material platforms, fully extending the device operation into the nonlinear regime, adding re-configurability to the envisaged devices and proposing new modeling tools to help in conceiving new functionalities.

- Explores several topics in the field of semiconductor nonlinear nanophotonics, including fabrication, characterization and modeling of semiconductor nanostructures in the optical regime, with a focus on nonlinear effects

- Describes the research challenges in the field of optical metasurfaces in the nonlinear regime

- Reviews the use and achievements of all-dielectric nanoantennas for strengthening the nonlinear optical response

- Describes both theoretical and experimental aspects of photonic devices based on semiconductor optical nanoantennas and metasurfaces

- Gathers contributions from several leading groups in this research field to provide a thorough and complete overview of the current state of the art in the field of semiconductor nonlinear nanophotonics

Costantino De Angelis has been full professor of electromagnetic fields at the University of Brescia since 1998. He is an OSA Fellow and has been responsible for several university research contracts in the last 20 years within Europe, the United States, and Italy. His technical interests are in optical antennas and nanophotonics. He is the author of over 150 peer-reviewed scientific journal articles.

Giuseppe Leo has been a full professor in physics at Paris Diderot University since 2004, and in charge of the nonlinear devices group of MPQ Laboratory since 2006. His research areas include nonlinear optics, micro- and nano-photonics, and optoelectronics, with a focus on AlGaAs platform. He has coordinated several research programs and coauthored 100 peer-reviewed journal articles, 200 conference papers, 10 book chapters and also has four patents.

Dragomir Neshev is a professor in physics and the leader of the experimental photonics group in the Nonlinear Physics Centre at Australian National University (ANU). His activities span over several branches of optics, including nonlinear periodic structures, singular optics, plasmonics, and photonic metamaterials. He has coauthored 200 publications in international peer-reviewed scientific journals.



- 探索半導體非線性納米光子學領域的幾個主題,包括在光學範疇中半導體納米結構的製造、特性化和建模,重點關注非線性效應
- 描述光學超表面在非線性範疇中的研究挑戰
- 回顧全介質納米天線在增強非線性光學響應方面的使用和成就
- 描述基於半導體光學納米天線和超表面的光子設備的理論和實驗方面
- 收集多個領先研究團隊的貢獻,以提供半導體非線性納米光子學領域當前技術狀態的全面概述

Costantino De Angelis 自1998年以來一直擔任布雷西亞大學的電磁場全職教授。他是OSA的會士,並在過去20年內負責多個歐洲、美國和意大利的大学研究合約。他的技術興趣在於光學天線和納米光子學。他是150多篇經過同行評審的科學期刊文章的作者。

Giuseppe Leo 自2004年以來一直擔任巴黎第七大學的物理全職教授,自2006年以來負責MPQ實驗室的非線性設備小組。他的研究領域包括非線性光學、微納米光子學和光電學,重點關注AlGaAs平台。他協調過多個研究計劃,並共同撰寫了100篇經過同行評審的期刊文章、200篇會議論文、10章書籍章節,並擁有四項專利。

Dragomir Neshev 是澳大利亞國立大學(ANU)非線性物理中心的物理教授及實驗光子學小組的負責人。他的活動涵蓋光學的幾個分支,包括非線性週期結構、奇異光學、等離子體學和光子超材料。他在國際同行評審的科學期刊上共同撰寫了200篇出版物。


Costantino De Angelis received the Laurea Degree summa cum laude in Electronic Engineering and the Ph.D. in Telecommunications from the University of Padova, in 1989 and 1993, respectively. Since 1998 he has been at the University of Brescia where he is a Full Professor of Electromagnetic Fields. He is an OSA Fellow and has been responsible for several University research contracts in the last 20 years within Europe, United States of America, and Italy. His technical interests are in optical antennas and nanophotonics; he is author of over 150 peer-reviewed scientific journal articles.

Giuseppe Leo received his Laurea degree summa cum laude in Electronic Engineering at La Sapienza University (Rome) in 1990 and his Ph.D. degree in Physics at Orsay University (Paris) in 2001. After being with Rome-3 University from 1992 to 2004. He has been a full professor in Physics at Paris Diderot University since 2004, and in charge of the Nonlinear Devices group of MPQ Laboratory since 2006. His research areas include nonlinear optics, micro- and nano-photonics and optoelectronics, with a focus on AlGaAs platform. He has coordinated several research programs and co-authored 100 peer-reviewed journal articles, 200 conference papers, 10 book chapters and also has 4 patents.

Dragomir N. Neshev is a Professor in physics and the leader of the Experimental Photonics Group at the Nonlinear Physics Centre, at Australian National University (ANU). He received his Ph.D. degree from Sofia University, Bulgaria in 1999. Since then he has worked in the field of nonlinear optics at several research centres around the world and joined ANU in 2002. He is the recipient of several awards, including a Queen Elizabeth II Fellowship; an Australian Research Fellowship; a Marie-Curie Individual Fellowship; and the Academic award for best young scientist of Sofia University. His activities span over several branches of optics, including nonlinear periodic structures, singular optics, plasmonics, and photonic metamaterials. He has co-authored 200 publications in international peer-reviewed scientific journals.


Costantino De Angelis於1989年和1993年分別在帕多瓦大學獲得電子工程的優等學位(Laurea Degree summa cum laude)和電信的博士學位(Ph.D.)。自1998年以來,他一直在布雷西亞大學擔任電磁場的全職教授。他是OSA的院士,並在過去20年內負責多個歐洲、美國和意大利的大学研究合約。他的技術興趣包括光學天線和納米光子學;他是超過150篇經過同行評審的科學期刊文章的作者。

Giuseppe Leo於1990年在羅馬的拉薩賓扎大學獲得電子工程的優等學位(Laurea degree summa cum laude),並於2001年在巴黎的奧爾塞大學獲得物理學的博士學位(Ph.D.)。他於1992年至2004年在羅馬第三大學任教,自2004年以來擔任巴黎迪德羅大學的物理學全職教授,並自2006年以來負責MPQ實驗室的非線性器件小組。他的研究領域包括非線性光學、微納米光子學和光電學,專注於AlGaAs平台。他協調過多個研究計劃,並共同撰寫了100篇經過同行評審的期刊文章、200篇會議論文、10章書籍章節,並擁有4項專利。

Dragomir N. Neshev是澳大利亞國立大學(ANU)非線性物理中心的物理學教授及實驗光子學小組的負責人。他於1999年在保加利亞索非亞大學獲得博士學位(Ph.D.)。自那時以來,他在全球多個研究中心從事非線性光學的研究,並於2002年加入ANU。他獲得了多項獎項,包括伊莉莎白二世女王獎學金、澳大利亞研究獎學金、瑪麗居里個人獎學金,以及索非亞大學最佳青年科學家的學術獎。他的研究活動涵蓋多個光學分支,包括非線性週期結構、奇異光學、等離子體學和光子超材料。他共同撰寫了200篇國際同行評審的科學期刊文章。