The Force Companion: Quick Tips and Tricks
暫譯: 力量夥伴:快速提示與技巧

Mattesi, Mike, Benilia, Swendly

  • 出版商: CRC
  • 出版日期: 2019-05-02
  • 售價: $5,710
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$5,425
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 256
  • 裝訂: Hardcover - also called cloth, retail trade, or trade
  • ISBN: 1138341754
  • ISBN-13: 9781138341753
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)



Swendly Benilia shares with us simple and tangible tips and tricks to understanding and drawing FORCE across hundreds of drawings full of dunamism and energy This book is an expellant companion to the FORCE brand since it delivers hundreds of FORCE drawings with succinct notations, filtered and approved by Mike Mattesi, about how to improve your FORCE drawing skills


Key Features:









  • Hundreds of dynamic FORCE drawing that inspire the reader to see and draw FORCE
  • Succinct tips and tricks keep it light and educational
  • The tips and tricks not only explain how but also why the drawings are successful. This is unique to the FORCE Drawing method
  • Each page shares numerous drawing around a FORCE idea with a short paragraph to further clarify the FORCE tip or trick. Explaining to the reader why the drawings work increases their ability of achieving the same level of excellence


Swendly Benilia is a professional character designer and illustrator. During his five years in the field he contributed with artwork for various game and publishing projects. Swendly also instructs FORCE Drawing.


Michael Mattesi has authored four FORCE books, published in numerous languages, utilized around the world to inspire and educate artists on the concept of FORCE. He has instructed FORCE Drawing for over twenty years and inspired thousands of artists. Simultaneously, Michael has been contributing his skills as a professional artists on numerous award-winning projects in varied capacities and has collaborated with Pixar, Walt Disney Feature Animation, Walt Disney Consumer Products, Marvel Comics, Hasbro Toys, ABC, Microsoft, Electronic Arts, DreamWorks/PDI, Zynga, The School of Visual Arts, Beijing University, Art Center, Scuola Internazionale di Comics, San Jose State University. The Academy of Art University, Nickelodeoan, LeapFrog and many others. Micael's students occupy all fields of the art industry and have themselves gained prestige for their abilities. Michael lives in northern California with his wife and two daughters. Visit him at: and connect with Michael on Facebook at: with Mike Mattesi or email him directly:


Key Features

  • Hundreds of dynamic FORCE drawings that inspire the reader to see and draw FORCE.


  • Compact tips and tricks keep it light and educational.



  • The tips and tricks explain how and why the drawings are successful.



  • Explaining to the you why the drawings work increases your ability of achieving the same level of excellence.


Swendly Benilia 與我們分享了簡單且具體的技巧,幫助讀者理解和繪製 FORCE,這本書包含了數百幅充滿活力和能量的繪圖。這本書是 FORCE 品牌的絕佳伴侶,因為它提供了數百幅經過 Mike Mattesi 篩選和批准的 FORCE 繪圖,並附有簡潔的註解,幫助你提升 FORCE 繪圖技巧。


  • 數百幅動態的 FORCE 繪圖,激勵讀者去看見和繪製 FORCE

  • 簡潔的技巧和訣竅讓內容輕鬆且具教育意義

  • 這些技巧和訣竅不僅解釋了如何繪製,還說明了為什麼這些繪圖成功。這是 FORCE 繪圖方法的獨特之處

  • 每一頁都圍繞一個 FORCE 概念分享多幅繪圖,並附有短段落進一步闡明 FORCE 的技巧或訣竅。向讀者解釋為什麼這些繪圖有效,能提高他們達到同樣卓越水平的能力

Swendly Benilia 是一位專業的角色設計師和插畫家。在他五年的職業生涯中,他為各種遊戲和出版項目貢獻了藝術作品。Swendly 也教授 FORCE 繪圖。

Michael Mattesi 已經出版了四本 FORCE 書籍,這些書籍以多種語言發行,並在全球範圍內用於啟發和教育藝術家理解 FORCE 的概念。他教授 FORCE 繪圖已有二十多年,並啟發了成千上萬的藝術家。同時,Michael 也以專業藝術家的身份參與了多個獲獎項目的工作,並與皮克斯、華特迪士尼動畫、華特迪士尼消費品、漫威漫畫、孩之寶、ABC、微軟、電子藝術、夢工廠/PDI、Zynga、視覺藝術學院、北京大學、藝術中心、國際漫畫學校、聖荷西州立大學、藝術學院大學、尼克國際兒童頻道、LeapFrog 等多家機構合作。Michael 的學生遍佈藝術產業的各個領域,並因其才能而獲得聲譽。Michael 與妻子和兩個女兒居住在加州北部。訪問他的網站,並在 Facebook 上與 Michael 連結 with Mike Mattesi,或直接發送電子郵件至


  • 數百幅動態的 FORCE 繪圖,激勵讀者去看見和繪製 FORCE。

  • 簡潔的技巧和訣竅讓內容輕鬆且具教育意義。

  • 這些技巧和訣竅解釋了繪圖成功的原因和方法。

  • 向你解釋為什麼這些繪圖有效,能提高你達到同樣卓越水平的能力。


Learn from Mike Mattesi and Swendly Benilia at

Swendly Benilia is a professional character designer and illustrator. During his five years in the field he contributed with artwork for various game and publishing projects. Swendly also instructs FORCE Drawing.

Michael Mattesi has authored four FORCE books, published in numerous languages, utilized around the world to inspire and educate artists on the concept of FORCE. He has instructed FORCE Drawing for over twenty years.

Simultaneously, Michael has been contributing his skills as a professional artist on numerous award-winning projects in Gaming, Animation and Advertising industries. Here is a short list of clients: Pixar, Walt Disney Feature Animation, Walt Disney Consumer Products, Marvel Comics, Hasbro Toys, ABC, Microsoft, Electronic Arts, DreamWorks/PDI, Zynga,

Michael lives in northern California with his wife and two daughters. Visit him at:

and connect with Michael on Facebook at: with Mike Mattesi

or email him directly:


從 Mike Mattesi 和 Swendly Benilia 學習,請造訪

Swendly Benilia 是一位專業的角色設計師和插畫家。在他五年的職業生涯中,他為多個遊戲和出版項目貢獻了藝術作品。Swendly 也教授 FORCE Drawing。

Michael Mattesi 已經出版了四本 FORCE 書籍,這些書籍以多種語言發行,並在全球範圍內啟發和教育藝術家有關 FORCE 的概念。他已經教授 FORCE Drawing 超過二十年。

同時,Michael 也在遊戲、動畫和廣告行業的多個獲獎項目中貢獻了他的專業藝術技能。以下是一些客戶的簡短名單:Pixar、華特迪士尼動畫、華特迪士尼消費品、Marvel Comics、Hasbro Toys、ABC、Microsoft、Electronic Arts、DreamWorks/PDI、Zynga。

Michael 與妻子和兩個女兒住在加州北部。請造訪他:

並在 Facebook 上與 Michael 連結: with Mike Mattesi
