A Concise Introduction to Programming in Python, Second Edition (Chapman & Hall/CRC Textbooks in Computing)
暫譯: Python 程式設計簡明入門(第二版)(Chapman & Hall/CRC 計算機教材)
Mark J. Johnson
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A Concise Introduction to Programming in Python, Second Edition provides a hands-on and accessible introduction to writing software in Python, with no prior programming experience required.
The Second Edition was thoroughly reorganized and rewritten based on classroom experience to incorporate:
- A spiral approach, starting with turtle graphics, and then revisiting concepts in greater depth using numeric, textual, and image data
- Clear, concise explanations written for beginning students, emphasizing core principles
- A variety of accessible examples, focusing on key concepts
- Diagrams to help visualize new concepts
- New sections on recursion and exception handling, as well as an earlier introduction of lists, based on instructor feedback
The text offers sections designed for approximately one class period each, and proceeds gradually from procedural to object-oriented design. Examples, exercises, and projects are included from diverse application domains, including finance, biology, image processing, and textual analysis. It also includes a brief "How-To" sections that introduce optional topics students may be interested in exploring.
The text is written to be read, making it a good fit in flipped classrooms. Designed for either classroom use or self-study, all example programs and solutions to odd-numbered exercises (except for projects) are available at: http://www.central.edu/go/conciseintro/.
《Python 程式設計簡明入門(第二版)》提供了一個實作性強且易於理解的 Python 軟體撰寫入門,無需任何先前的程式設計經驗。
- 循環式的教學方法,從烏龜圖形開始,然後使用數值、文本和影像數據更深入地回顧概念
- 為初學者撰寫的清晰、簡潔的解釋,強調核心原則
- 各種易於理解的範例,專注於關鍵概念
- 幫助視覺化新概念的圖示
- 根據教師反饋新增的遞迴和例外處理部分,以及更早介紹列表的內容