A Practical Guide to Optical Microscopy

Girkin, John



Optical microscopy is used in a vast range of applications ranging from materials engineering to in vivo observations and clinical diagnosis, and thanks to the latest advances in technology, there has been a rapid growth in the number of methods available.


This book is aimed at providing users with a practical guide to help them select, and then use, the most suitable method for their application. It explores the principles behind the different forms of optical microscopy, without the use of complex maths, to provide an understanding to help the reader utilise a specific method and then interpret the results. Detailed physics is provided in boxed sections, which can be bypassed by the non-specialist.

It is an invaluable tool for use within research groups and laboratories in the life and physical sciences, acting as a first source for practical information to guide less experienced users (or those new to a particular methodology) on the range of techniques available.


  • The first book to cover all current optical microscopy methods for practical applications
  • Written to be understood by a non-optical expert with inserts to provide the physical science background
  • Brings together conventional widefield and confocal microscopy, with advanced non-linear and super resolution methods, in one book





- 第一本涵蓋所有當前光學顯微術方法的實用應用的書籍
- 以非光學專家能理解的方式撰寫,並提供物理科學背景知識
- 將傳統的廣視場和共焦顯微術與先進的非線性和超分辨率方法結合在一本書中


John Girkin is professor of Biophysics at Durham University and Director of the Biophysical Sciences Institute in Durham. He moved to Durham in 2009 to take up this role having previously founded the Centre for Biophotonics at Strathclyde University, Glasgow where he was one of the first leaders at the Institute of Photonics. Originally trained as a physicist at Oxford and with a PhD from Southampton University (in Laser Spectroscopy of Atomic Hydrogen) he worked for ten years in industry including developing the world's first diode laser retinal photocoagulator and diode pumped Nd: Yag laser. He moved back into academia in 1996 as one of the original Research Team Leaders at the Institute of Photonics, Strathclyde University.

His research focuses on the development of novel optical instrumentation to help solve challenges within the life sciences. His research covers a very broad range of activities from dental imaging in the near infrared through to rapid-genomic screening but an ongoing theme has been in developing and applying optical microscopy methods to life science challenges. His initial focus was in non-linear microscopy and he was one of the first pioneers in the use of adaptive optics in microscopy and has more recently been developing advanced forms of single plane illumination microscope for in vivo zebra fish imaging. A constant within his research has been to select the most suitable method for a specific task.

He has published over 100 peer-reviewed publications, is a Fellow of both the Institute of Physics and the Optical Society of America serving on both national and international review panels in the area of biophotonics and microscopy.


John Girkin是杜倫大學的生物物理學教授,也是杜倫生物物理科學研究所的所長。他於2009年擔任這個職位之前,曾在格拉斯哥的斯特拉斯克萊德大學創立了生物光子學中心,並成為光子學研究所的首批領導者之一。他最初在牛津接受物理學訓練,並在南安普敦大學獲得博士學位(研究領域為原子氫的激光光譜學),之後在工業界工作了十年,包括開發世界上第一台二極管激光視網膜光凝固儀和二極管泵浦Nd:Yag激光器。他於1996年回到學術界,成為斯特拉斯克萊德大學光子學研究所的首批研究團隊領導之一。

