The Telecommunications Handbook: Engineering Guidelines for Fixed, Mobile and Satellite Systems Hardcover
暫譯: 電信手冊:固定、移動及衛星系統的工程指導原則

Jyrki T. J. Penttinen


This practical handbook and reference provides a complete understanding of the telecommunications field supported by descriptions and case examples throughout

Taking a practical approach, The Telecommunications Handbook examines the principles and details of all of the major and modern telecommunications systems currently available to industry and to end-users. It gives essential information about usage, architectures, functioning, planning, construction, measurements and optimisation. The structure of the book is modular, giving both overall descriptions of the architectures and functionality of typical use cases, as well as deeper and practical guidelines for telecom professionals.

The focus of the book is on current and future networks, and the most up-to-date functionalities of each network are described in sufficient detail for deployment purposes. The contents include an introduction to each technology, its evolution path, feasibility and utilization, solution and network architecture, and technical functioning of the systems (signalling, coding, different modes for channel delivery and security of core and radio system). The planning of the core and radio networks (system-specific field test measurement guidelines, hands-on network planning advices and suggestions for the parameter adjustments) and future systems are also described.

  • Each chapter covers aspects individually for easy reference, including approaches such as: functional blocks, protocol layers, hardware and software, planning, optimization, use cases, challenges, solutions to potential problems
  • Provides very practical detail on the planning and operation of networks to enable readers to apply the content in real-world deployments
  • Bridges the gap between the communications in the academic context and the practical knowledge and skills needed to work in the telecommunications industry
  • Section divisions include: General theory; Fixed telecommunications; Mobile communications; Space communications; Other and special communications; and Planning and management of telecommunication networks
  • Covers new commercial and enhanced systems deployed, such as IPv6 based networks, LTE-Advanced and GALILEO

An essential reference for Technical personnel at telecom operators; equipment and terminal manufacturers; Engineers working for network operators.





- 每章節單獨涵蓋各個方面,便於參考,包括功能模塊、協議層、硬體和軟體、規劃、優化、使用案例、挑戰、潛在問題的解決方案等方法。
- 提供非常實用的網絡規劃和運作細節,使讀者能夠將內容應用於現實世界的部署中。
- 橋接學術背景下的通信與在電信行業工作所需的實用知識和技能之間的差距。
- 章節劃分包括:一般理論;固定電信;移動通信;空間通信;其他和特殊通信;以及電信網絡的規劃和管理。
- 涵蓋新商業和增強系統的部署,如基於IPv6的網絡、LTE-Advanced和GALILEO。
