5G Technology: 3GPP Evolution to 5G-Advanced 2nd Edition (5G技術:3GPP演進至5G-Advanced(第二版))
Holma, Harri, Toskala, Antti, Nakamura, Takehiro
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An Essential Insider's View of the Development Work of 5G Technology Up to Release 18
5G brings new technology solutions to the 5G mobile networks, including new spectrum options, antenna structures, physical layer and protocols designs, and network architectures. 5G Technology: 3GPP Evolution to 5G-Advanced is an accessible and comprehensive resource that offers explanations of 5G specifications and performance evaluations, aspects of device design, practical deployment considerations and illustrative examples from field experiences.
With contributions from a panel of international experts on the topic (industry insiders working at the forefront of development), the book presents the main new technology components in 5G and describes the physical layer, radio protocols, and network performance indicators associated with them. It has intentionally been written to cater to individuals at all levels of 5G expertise. Some of the topics of discussion and learning resources in the work include:
- An easy-to-understand insider's overview of 5G from editors and authors who are actively working with the 5G development in 3GPP, the forum defining the requirements
- Deployment aspects, such as site density and transport network, plus exploration into 5G performance aspects, including data rates, coverage, and latency
- A large number of illustrations including simulation and measurement results of 5G technology performance, plus key 5G procedures
- Updated information on industrial IoT, radio enhancements in Releases 16 and 17, open RAN and virtualized RAN, 5G verticals and new use cases, and the 5G-Advanced development in Release 18 and outlook towards Release 19
5G Technology: 3GPP Evolution to 5G-Advanced serves as a complete resource for wireless researchers, network planners, lecturers in universities, technology analysts, R&D engineers, application developers, and spectrum regulators who wish to thoroughly understand the latest in 5G technology and get ahead of the curve with regards to its potential applications in a wide variety of industries.
《5G技術:從3GPP演進到5G-Advanced》是一本關於5G技術開發的重要內部觀點的書籍,涵蓋了從發展到Release 18的所有內容。
- 編輯和作者從3GPP(定義需求的論壇)積極參與5G開發的內部人士提供的易於理解的5G內部概述
- 部署方面,如站點密度和傳輸網絡,以及對5G性能方面的探索,包括數據速率、覆蓋範圍和延遲
- 大量插圖,包括5G技術性能的模擬和測量結果,以及關鍵的5G程序
- 工業物聯網的最新信息,Release 16和17中的無線增強,開放式無線接入網絡和虛擬化無線接入網絡,5G垂直行業和新的應用案例,以及Release 18中的5G-Advanced開發和對Release 19的展望
Harri Holma has edited eight books about 3G, 4G and 5G technologies with Antti Toskala since 2001. Dr. Holma is currently working with Nokia Technology Office with a main interest in radio systems and mobile technologies.
Antti Toskala joined the Nokia Research Center in 1994. He was working with WCDMA/HSPA standardization, including chairing 3GPP RAN WG1. After 3G he has worked with LTE/LTE-Advanced and 5G/5G-Advanced standards activities and he is currently heading Nokia 3GPP TSG RAN activity, with his main interest on 5G-Advanced towards 6G.
Takehiro Nakamura joined NTT Laboratories in 1990. He has been engaged in the standardization activities for the WCDMA, HSPA, LTE/LTE-Advanced and 5G at ARIB in Japan since 1997.
Harri Holma自2001年起與Antti Toskala合著了八本關於3G、4G和5G技術的書籍。Holma博士目前在諾基亞技術辦公室工作,主要關注無線系統和移動技術。Antti Toskala於1994年加入諾基亞研究中心,他參與了WCDMA/HSPA標準化工作,並擔任3GPP RAN WG1的主席。在3G之後,他參與了LTE/LTE-Advanced和5G/5G-Advanced的標準活動,目前負責諾基亞3GPP TSG RAN活動,主要關注5G-Advanced和6G的發展。Takehiro Nakamura於1990年加入NTT實驗室,自1997年起一直在日本ARIB從事WCDMA、HSPA、LTE/LTE-Advanced和5G的標準化活動。