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Achieve Linux system administration mastery with time-tested and proven techniques
In Mastering Linux System Administration, Linux experts and system administrators Christine Bresnahan and Richard Blum deliver a comprehensive roadmap to go from Linux beginner to expert Linux system administrator with a learning-by-doing approach. Organized by do-it-yourself tasks, the book includes instructor materials like a sample syllabus, additional review questions, and slide decks.
Amongst the practical applications of the Linux operating system included within, you'll find detailed and easy-to-follow instruction on:
- Installing Linux servers, understanding the boot and initialization processes, managing hardware, and working with networks
- Accessing the Linux command line, working with the virtual directory structure, and creating shell scripts to automate administrative tasks
- Managing Linux user accounts, system security, web and database servers, and virtualization environments
Perfect for entry-level Linux system administrators, as well as system administrators familiar with Windows, Mac, NetWare, or other UNIX systems, Mastering Linux System Administration is a must-read guide to manage and secure Linux servers.
掌握 Linux 系統管理的精髓,運用經過時間考驗的技術
在掌握 Linux 系統管理一書中,Linux 專家及系統管理員 Christine Bresnahan 和 Richard Blum 提供了一條全面的路線圖,幫助讀者從 Linux 初學者成長為專業的 Linux 系統管理員,採用實作學習的方法。這本書依據自我實作的任務進行組織,包含了教學材料,如範本課程大綱、額外的複習問題和簡報資料。
在書中,您將找到有關 Linux 作業系統的實用應用,並提供詳細且易於遵循的指導,包括:
- 安裝 Linux 伺服器、了解啟動和初始化過程、管理硬體以及處理網路
- 存取 Linux 命令列、操作虛擬目錄結構,以及創建 shell 腳本以自動化管理任務
- 管理 Linux 使用者帳戶、系統安全性、網頁和資料庫伺服器,以及虛擬化環境
這本書非常適合入門級的 Linux 系統管理員,以及熟悉 Windows、Mac、NetWare 或其他 UNIX 系統的系統管理員,掌握 Linux 系統管理 是管理和保護 Linux 伺服器的必讀指南。
RICHARD BLUM has worked as a system and network administrator for over 30 years. He is the author of several Linux books, including Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting Bible and Linux for Dummies and is a popular online Linux instructor.