Microcontroller Prototypes with Arduino and a 3D Printer: Learn, Program, Manufacture
暫譯: 使用 Arduino 和 3D 印表機製作微控制器原型:學習、編程、製造
Bolanakis, Dimosthenis E.
Discover a complete treatment of microcomputer programming and application development with Arduino and 3D printers
Microcontroller Prototypes with Arduino and a 3D Printer: Learn, Program, Manufacture delivers a comprehensive guide to learning microcontrollers that's perfectly suited to educators, researchers, and manufacturers. The book provides readers with a seasoned expert's perspective on the process of microcomputer programming and application development. Carefully designed and written example code and explanatory figures accompany the text, helping the reader fully understand and retain the concepts described within.
The book focuses on demonstrating how to craft creative and innovative solutions in embedded systems design by providing practical and illustrative methods and examples. An accompanying website includes functioning and tested source code and learning exercises and the book relies on freeware development tools for the creation of firmware and software code, 3D printed enclosures, and debugging. It allows the reader to work with modern sensors and collect sensor data to a host PC for offline analysis. Readers will also benefit from the inclusion of:
- A thorough introduction to the art of embedded computers, including their interdisciplinarity, TPACK analysis, and the impact of microcontroller technology on the maker industry
- An exploration of embedded programming with Arduino, including number representation and special-function codes and C common language reference
- A discussion of hardware interfaces with the outside world, including digital pin interface, analog pin interface, UART serial interface, I2C, and SPI
- A treatment of sensors and data acquisition, including environmental measurements with Arduino Uno, orientation and motion detection with Teensy, gesture recognition with TinyZero, and color sensing with Micro: bit
- A variety of supplementary resources - including source codes and examples - hosted on an accompanying website to be maintained by the author: www.mikroct.com.
Perfect for researchers and undergraduate students in electrical and electronic engineering or computer engineering, Microcontroller Prototypes with Arduino and a 3D Printer: Learn, Program, Manufacture will also earn a place in the libraries of hardware engineers, embedded system designers, system engineers, and electronic engineers.
探索微型電腦程式設計與應用開發的完整處理,使用 Arduino 和 3D 印表機
使用 Arduino 和 3D 印表機的微控制器原型:學習、程式設計、製造 提供了一本全面的微控制器學習指南,特別適合教育工作者、研究人員和製造商。這本書為讀者提供了資深專家的觀點,深入探討微型電腦程式設計與應用開發的過程。書中附有精心設計和撰寫的範例程式碼及解釋圖形,幫助讀者充分理解並記住所描述的概念。
本書專注於展示如何在嵌入式系統設計中創造創意和創新的解決方案,提供實用且具說明性的方式和範例。隨書附有的網站包含可運行和經過測試的原始程式碼及學習練習,並且本書依賴於免費開發工具來創建韌體和軟體程式碼、3D 打印外殼及除錯。它允許讀者使用現代感測器並將感測器數據收集到主機電腦進行離線分析。讀者還將受益於以下內容:
- 對嵌入式電腦藝術的徹底介紹,包括其跨學科性、TPACK 分析,以及微控制器技術對創客產業的影響
- 使用 Arduino 的嵌入式程式設計探索,包括數字表示法、特殊功能代碼和 C 語言常用參考
- 與外部世界的硬體介面討論,包括數字引腳介面、類比引腳介面、UART 串行介面、I2C 和 SPI
- 感測器和數據採集的處理,包括使用 Arduino Uno 進行環境測量、使用 Teensy 進行方向和運動檢測、使用 TinyZero 進行手勢識別,以及使用 Micro:bit 進行顏色感測
- 各種補充資源 - 包括原始程式碼和範例 - 由作者維護的隨書網站:www.mikroct.com。
這本書非常適合電機與電子工程或計算機工程的研究人員和本科生,使用 Arduino 和 3D 印表機的微控制器原型:學習、程式設計、製造 也將成為硬體工程師、嵌入式系統設計師、系統工程師和電子工程師圖書館中的重要藏書。
Dimosthenis E. Bolanakis, PhD, is Special Lab and Teaching Personnel at Hellenic Air Force Academy in Athens, Greece. He received his doctorate in Education Sciences in 2016 from the University of Ioannina in Greece. He has co-authored over thirty papers on research into engineering education and three books.
Dimosthenis E. Bolanakis, PhD, 是希臘雅典希臘空軍學院的特別實驗室及教學人員。他於2016年在希臘約阿尼納大學獲得教育科學博士學位。他共同撰寫了超過三十篇有關工程教育研究的論文和三本書籍。