Microsoft Teams is the one-stop app for chat, collaboration, meetings, and project management
Teach Yourself VISUALLY Microsoft Teams helps you understand and learn to use Microsoft's chat- and meeting-based communication and collaboration application. Teams provides many rich features that enable teams to be more efficient and save valuable time and resources. However, as with most applications, there is a learning curve as well as pitfalls that should be avoided, which this book helps you prepare for. Topics include:
- Key Benefits of Teams
- Teams and Channels
- Chats and Files
- Calls and Meetings
- Live Events
- Best Practices for Organizational Success
- Tips and Tricks to Make the Most of the Features
- Land Mines to Avoid
**Microsoft Teams 是一個集聊天、協作、會議和專案管理於一身的應用程式**
*《自學視覺化 Microsoft Teams》* 幫助您理解並學會使用微軟的聊天和會議為基礎的溝通與協作應用程式。Teams 提供許多豐富的功能,使團隊能夠更有效率,節省寶貴的時間和資源。然而,與大多數應用程式一樣,使用 Teams 也有學習曲線以及應避免的陷阱,本書將幫助您做好準備。主題包括:
- Teams 的主要優勢
- Teams 和頻道
- 聊天和檔案
- 通話和會議
- 直播活動
- 組織成功的最佳實踐
- 最大化功能的技巧和竅門
- 應避免的地雷
Teams 現在是 Microsoft 365 的「中央樞紐」,使用者可以透過它訪問 Word、Excel、PowerPoint 和 OneNote,並通過 Outlook 安排會議。幾乎整個 Microsoft 365 套件都可以透過 Teams 以某種方式訪問,許多較新的應用程式(例如 Planner 和 Stream)都是基於 Teams 平台構建的。*《自學視覺化 Microsoft Teams》* 是您充分利用 Teams 的終極指南。