Microwave Engineering, 4/e (International Adaptation)(Paperback)
暫譯: 微波工程(第4版)(國際版)(平裝本)

David M. Pozar




●New material has been introduced on microwave and RF systems, and how components are linked to system performance (e.g., noise figure, effect on Bit Error Rate, link margin, cell phones, etc.)
●More coverage of active circuits has been included (CMOS circuits, SiGe circuits, Power Added Efficiency, Gilbert cell mixer, etc.)
●Additional topics (power waves, transients, frequency dependent effects of microstrip line, and more) and more open-ended EOC problems have been added.
●Number of chapters has been increased from 13 to 14, with more emphasis on noise, nonlinear effects, and active circuit design.
●Material on the following topics has been substantially revised: noise and noise effects, intermodulation distortion, dynamic range, mixers, amplifier stability, antennas and antenna noise, wireless receivers, and characteristics of diodes and transistors.
●Numerous new or revised examples and problems have been added, with many of these related to practical design problems involving planar circuits and components.


●Thorough analysis and development based on fundamental principles. Students develop understanding of core concepts and learn that the operation of microwave circuits and devices can be explained through the use of circuit theory, Maxwell's equations, and related fundamentals. See Wilkinson divider operation derived from basic circuit and transmission line theory.
●Many examples cover both theory and design. Student can see how typical problems are solved, how practical designs are carried out, and how component designs perform. The availability of realistic and thorough examples reinforces subject matter. See Example 7.7 that involves the design of a coupled line coupler on a lossy substrate. The design procedure is illustrated, and the response of the coupler is obtained using a CAD package.
●Many problems cover both theory and design. Problems test the student's understanding of the material and offer the opportunity for in-depth design and analysis of practical components. Problems offer students real-life design practice with the quick feedback of CAD tools to evaluate their work.
●Answers to selected problems allow students to test themselves on their understanding of material. The instructor can assign problems with or without answers, or modify answered problems for additional problems for use on exams. Approximately 25% of the problems have answers.




●增加了對主動電路的更多涵蓋(CMOS電路、SiGe電路、功率增益效率、Gilbert cell 混頻器等)。











Chapter 1 Review of Electromagnetic Theory
Chapter 2 Transmission Lines Theory
Chapter 3 Transmission Lines and Waveguides
Chapter 4 Microwave Network Analysis
Chapter 5 Impedance Matching and Tuning
Chapter 6 Microwave Resonators 
Chapter 7 Power Dividers and Directional Couplers 
Chapter 8 Microwave Filters
Chapter 9 Theory and Design of Ferrimagnetic Components 
Chapter 10 Noise and Non-Linear Distortion 
Chapter 11 Active RF and Microwave Devices 
Chapter 12 Microwave Amplifier Design 
Chapter 13 Oscillators and Mixers 
Chapter 14 Introduction to Microwave Systems
A Prefixes
B Vector Analysis
C Bessel Functions 
D Useful Results 
E Other Mathematical Results 
F Physical Constants 
G Conductivities for Some Materials 
H Dielectric Constants and Loss Tangents for Some Materials 
I Properties of Some Microwave Ferrite Materials 
J Standard Rectangular Waveguides 
K Standard Coaxial Cable Data
Answers to Selected Problems


Chapter 1 Review of Electromagnetic Theory

Chapter 2 Transmission Lines Theory

Chapter 3 Transmission Lines and Waveguides

Chapter 4 Microwave Network Analysis

Chapter 5 Impedance Matching and Tuning

Chapter 6 Microwave Resonators 

Chapter 7 Power Dividers and Directional Couplers 

Chapter 8 Microwave Filters

Chapter 9 Theory and Design of Ferrimagnetic Components 

Chapter 10 Noise and Non-Linear Distortion 

Chapter 11 Active RF and Microwave Devices 

Chapter 12 Microwave Amplifier Design 

Chapter 13 Oscillators and Mixers 

Chapter 14 Introduction to Microwave Systems


A Prefixes

B Vector Analysis

C Bessel Functions 

D Useful Results 

E Other Mathematical Results 

F Physical Constants 

G Conductivities for Some Materials 

H Dielectric Constants and Loss Tangents for Some Materials 

I Properties of Some Microwave Ferrite Materials 

J Standard Rectangular Waveguides 

K Standard Coaxial Cable Data

Answers to Selected Problems