Young, Munson and Okiishi`s A Brief Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, 6/e (IE-Paperback)
暫譯: Young、Munson 和 Okiishi 的《流體力學簡介(第六版)》

John I. Hochstein , Andrew L. Gerhart



●New sections on Equilibrium of moving fluids (special case of fluid statics), Finite Control Volume Analysis, Pipe Flowrate Measurement, and Most efficient channel.
●New examples and problems build upon the understanding of engineering applications of fluid mechanics and the edition has been completely updated to use SI units


●Offers a strong visual approach with photos, illustrations, and videos included in the text, and examples to emphasize the practical application of fluid mechanics principles.
●Contains numerous video segments that illustrate many interesting and practical applications of real-world fluid phenomena.
●Contains approximately 60 short "The Wide World of Fluids" stories that reflect some important and novel ways that fluid mechanics affects our lives










John I. Hochstein - Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Memphis Memphis, Tennessee
Andrew L. Gerhart - A. Leon Linton Department of Mechanical, Robotics, and Industrial Engineering, Lawrence Technological University, Southfield, Michigan


約翰·I·霍克斯坦 - 田納西州孟菲斯大學機械工程系

安德魯·L·格哈特 - 密西根州南菲爾德勞倫斯科技大學A·里昂·林頓機械、機器人及工業工程系


1 Introduction
2 Fluid Statics
3 Fluid Kinematics
4 Elementary Fluid Dynamics—The Bernoulli Equation
5 Finite Control Volume Analysis
6 Differential Analysis of Fluid Flow
7 Dimensional Analysis, Similitude, and Modeling
8 Viscous Flow in Pipes
9 Flow over Immersed Bodies
10 Open-Channel Flow
11 Turbomachines
APPENDIX A Computational Fluid Dynamics
APPENDIX B Physical Properties of Fluids
APPENDIX C Properties of the U.S. Standard Atmosphere
APPENDIX D Compressible Flow Functions for an Ideal Gas with k=1.4
APPENDIX E Comprehensive Table of Conversion Factors


1 Introduction

2 Fluid Statics

3 Fluid Kinematics

4 Elementary Fluid Dynamics—The Bernoulli Equation

5 Finite Control Volume Analysis

6 Differential Analysis of Fluid Flow

7 Dimensional Analysis, Similitude, and Modeling

8 Viscous Flow in Pipes

9 Flow over Immersed Bodies

10 Open-Channel Flow

11 Turbomachines

APPENDIX A Computational Fluid Dynamics

APPENDIX B Physical Properties of Fluids

APPENDIX C Properties of the U.S. Standard Atmosphere

APPENDIX D Compressible Flow Functions for an Ideal Gas with k=1.4

APPENDIX E Comprehensive Table of Conversion Factors