Lpic-1 Certification Kit: Exam 101-500 and Exam 102-500
暫譯: Lpic-1 認證套件:考試 101-500 與考試 102-500
Bresnahan, Christine, Blum, Richard, Suehring, Steve
- 出版商: Sybex
- 出版日期: 2019-10-29
- 定價: $2,980
- 售價: 9.5 折 $2,831
- 語言: 英文
- 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
- ISBN: 111966411X
- ISBN-13: 9781119664116
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Take your learning to the next level with the NEW LPIC-1 Certification Kit Includes LPIC-1 Study Guide, Fifth Edition, AND LPIC-1 Practice Tests, Second Edition
About the LPIC-1 Linux Professional Institute Certification Study Guide, Fifth Edition
Building on the popular Sybex Study Guide approach, this book will provide 100% coverage of the NEW LPIC-1 Exam 101-500 and Exam 102-500 objectives. The book contains clear and concise information on all Linux administration topic, and includes practical examples and insights drawn from real-world experience.
- System Architecture
- Linux Installation and Package Management
- GNU and Unix Commands
- Devices, Linux Filesystems, Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
- Shells and Shell Scripting
- User Interfaces and Desktops
- Administrative Tasks
- Essential System Services
- Networking Fundamentals
- Security
Readers will also have access to the online interactive test bank and learning environment, including hundreds of practice questions, electronic flashcards, and a searchable Glossary of important terms. Prepare smarter with Sybex's superior online study tools
About the LPIC-1 Linux Professional Institute Certification Practice Tests, Second Edition
If you're preparing for this all-important exam, turn to LPIC-1 Practice Tests. This book includes 10 chapter tests that align with the 10 objective domains, PLUS one additional 90-question practice exam, for a total of 1,000 practice test questions. This book helps you gain the confidence you need for taking LPIC-1 Exam 101-500 and Exam 102-500. The practice test questions prepare you for test success. Study for the LPIC-1 certification with Sybex and get the advantage of exam day confidence.
Readers will also have access to all the practice test questions using our online test bank. Prepare smarter with Sybex's superior interactive online learning environment and study tools
透過全新的 LPIC-1 認證套件將您的學習提升到新境界,包括 LPIC-1 學習指南(第五版)和 LPIC-1 練習測驗(第二版)
關於 LPIC-1 Linux 專業學院認證學習指南(第五版)
本書基於受歡迎的 Sybex 學習指南方法,將提供 100% 覆蓋全新的 LPIC-1 考試 101-500 和考試 102-500 的目標。本書包含有關所有 Linux 管理主題的清晰且簡明的信息,並包括來自實際經驗的實用範例和見解。
- 系統架構
- Linux 安裝與套件管理
- GNU 和 Unix 命令
- 設備、Linux 檔案系統、檔案系統層級標準
- Shell 和 Shell 腳本
- 使用者介面和桌面
- 管理任務
- 基本系統服務
- 網路基礎
- 安全性
讀者還可以訪問在線互動測試庫和學習環境,包括數百個練習問題、電子閃卡和可搜尋的重要術語詞彙表。透過 Sybex 的優越在線學習工具更聰明地準備
關於 LPIC-1 Linux 專業學院認證練習測驗(第二版)
如果您正在準備這個至關重要的考試,請參考 LPIC-1 練習測驗。本書包含 10 個與 10 個目標領域對應的章節測驗,以及一個額外的 90 題練習考試,總共提供 1,000 道練習測驗問題。本書幫助您獲得參加 LPIC-1 考試 101-500 和考試 102-500 所需的信心。練習測驗問題幫助您為考試成功做好準備。與 Sybex 一起學習 LPIC-1 認證,獲得考試日的信心優勢。
讀者還可以使用我們的在線測試庫訪問所有練習測驗問題。透過 Sybex 的優越互動在線學習環境和學習工具更聰明地準備。