(ISC)2 CCSP Certified Cloud Security Professional Official Practice Tests (English) 2nd 版本

Malisow, Ben




The only official CCSP practice test product endorsed by (ISC)

With over 1,000 practice questions, this book gives you the opportunity to test your level of understanding and gauge your readiness for the Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) exam long before the big day. These questions cover 100% of the CCSP exam domains, and include answers with full explanations to help you understand the reasoning and approach for each. Logical organization by domain allows you to practice only the areas you need to bring you up to par, without wasting precious time on topics you've already mastered.

As the only official practice test product for the CCSP exam endorsed by (ISC) , this essential resource is your best bet for gaining a thorough understanding of the topic. It also illustrates the relative importance of each domain, helping you plan your remaining study time so you can go into the exam fully confident in your knowledge.

When you're ready, two practice exams allow you to simulate the exam day experience and apply your own test-taking strategies with domains given in proportion to the real thing. The online learning environment and practice exams are the perfect way to prepare, and make your progress easy to track.



這本書提供了超過1,000道練習題,讓您有機會測試自己的理解水平,並評估您在Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP)考試前的準備程度。這些問題涵蓋了CCSP考試的100%範圍,並提供了帶有詳細解釋的答案,以幫助您理解每個問題的推理和解決方法。按照範圍的邏輯組織,讓您只練習需要提升的領域,而不浪費寶貴的時間在您已經掌握的主題上。





Ben Malisow, CCSP, CISSP, SSCP, CISM, Security+, has worked with INFOSEC and education for more than 20 years. He has taught computer classes to students from grade 6 through university level and crafted and delivered the CISSP prep course (among others) for Carnegie-Mellon University's CERT/SEI. In addition, Malisow built and ran DARPA's internal INFOSEC training program, was the ISSM for the FBI's most-classified counterterror intelligence-sharing network and was a security architect for TSA. He also teaches exam prep courses for (ISC)2. You can find more of his writings at his blog: securityzed.com.



Ben Malisow,CCSP、CISSP、SSCP、CISM、Security+,在資訊安全和教育領域工作超過20年。他曾經教授從小學六年級到大學水平的電腦課程,並為卡內基梅隆大學的CERT/SEI設計並提供CISSP考試準備課程(以及其他課程)。此外,Malisow還建立並運營了DARPA的內部資訊安全培訓計劃,擔任FBI最高機密的反恐情報共享網絡的ISSM,並擔任TSA的安全架構師。他還為(ISC)²教授考試準備課程。您可以在他的博客securityzed.com上找到更多他的作品。