Engineering Autonomous Vehicles and Robots: The Dragonfly Modular-Based Approach (工程自主車輛與機器人:蜻蜓模組化方法)

Liu, Shaoshan




Offers a step-by-step guide to building autonomous vehicles and robots, with source code and accompanying videos

The first book of its kind on the detailed steps for creating an autonomous vehicle or robot, this book provides an overview of the technology and introduction of the key elements involved in developing autonomous vehicles, and offers an excellent introduction to the basics for someone new to the topic of autonomous vehicles and the innovative, modular-based engineering approach called DragonFly.

Engineering Autonomous Vehicles and Robots: The DragonFly Modular-based Approach covers everything that technical professionals need to know about: CAN bus, chassis, sonars, radars, GNSS, computer vision, localization, perception, motion planning, and more. Particularly, it covers Computer Vision for active perception and localization, as well as mapping and motion planning. The book offers several case studies on the building of an autonomous passenger pod, bus, and vending robot. It features a large amount of supplementary material, including the standard protocol and sample codes for chassis, sonar, and radar. GPSD protocol/NMEA protocol and GPS deployment methods are also provided. Most importantly, readers will learn the philosophy behind the DragonFly modular-based design approach, which empowers readers to design and build their own autonomous vehicles and robots with flexibility and affordability.

  • Offers progressive guidance on building autonomous vehicles and robots
  • Provides detailed steps and codes to create an autonomous machine, at affordable cost, and with a modular approach
  • Written by one of the pioneers in the field building autonomous vehicles
  • Includes case studies, source code, and state-of-the art research results
  • Accompanied by a website with supplementary material, including sample code for chassis/sonar/radar; GPS deployment methods; Vision Calibration methods

Engineering Autonomous Vehicles and Robots is an excellent book for students, researchers, and practitioners in the field of autonomous vehicles and robots.




《Engineering Autonomous Vehicles and Robots: The DragonFly Modular-based Approach》涵蓋了技術專業人士需要了解的一切內容:CAN總線、底盤、聲納、雷達、GNSS、計算機視覺、定位、感知、運動規劃等等。特別是,它涵蓋了用於主動感知和定位的計算機視覺,以及地圖繪製和運動規劃。該書提供了幾個案例研究,包括建立自主乘客艙、巴士和自動販賣機機器人。它還提供了大量的補充材料,包括底盤、聲納和雷達的標準協議和示例代碼。還提供了GPSD協議/NMEA協議和GPS部署方法。最重要的是,讀者將學習到DragonFly模塊化設計方法背後的理念,這使讀者能夠靈活且負擔得起地設計和建造自己的自主車輛和機器人。

  • 提供了建立自主車輛和機器人的漸進指導

  • 提供了創建自主機器的詳細步驟和代碼,成本負擔得起,並採用模塊化方法

  • 由自主車輛建設領域的先驅之一撰寫

  • 包括案例研究、原始碼和最新研究成果

  • 附帶有補充材料的網站,包括底盤/聲納/雷達的示例代碼;GPS部署方法;視覺校準方法

《Engineering Autonomous Vehicles and Robots》是自主車輛和機器人領域的學生、研究人員和從業人員的優秀書籍。


SHAOSHAN LIU, PHD, is Founder and CEO of PerceptIn, a full-stack visual intelligence company aimed at making scalable hardware/software integrated solutions for autonomous robotics systems. Liu holds a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from University of California, Irvine and his research focuses on Edge Computing Systems, Robotics, and Autonomous Driving. Liu has over 40 publications and over 100 patents in autonomous systems. Liu is currently a Senior Member of IEEE, an ACM Distinguished Speaker, an IEEE Computer Society Distinguished Visitor, and a co-founder of the IEEE Computer Society Special Technical Community on Autonomous Driving Technologies.


SHAOSHAN LIU博士是PerceptIn的創始人兼首席執行官,PerceptIn是一家致力於為自主機器人系統提供可擴展的硬體/軟體整合解決方案的全棧視覺智能公司。Liu博士擁有加州大學爾灣分校的計算機工程博士學位,他的研究專注於邊緣計算系統、機器人技術和自主駕駛。Liu博士在自主系統領域擁有40多篇論文和100多項專利。他目前是IEEE的高級會員,ACM傑出演講者,IEEE計算機學會傑出訪問學者,以及IEEE計算機學會自主駕駛技術特別技術社區的聯合創始人。